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Golden Eagle Tries To Snatch A Child....just Wow!

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divegirl | 09:02 Wed 19th Dec 2012 | Animals & Nature
57 Answers
Have you seen this!!!!

Lisa x


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All Daves are dangerous, Lisa :-)
10:02 Wed 19th Dec 2012
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Cool, proof and source please ChillDoubt as I'd be interested to see.

Many thanks

Lisa x
See this:

ChillDoubt, I think you are wrong!! obviously the technology is available to make such a hoax but I think this is real.
Question Author
The video with the wolves is mental!!!

I think people forget the origins of birds [of prey].... I know I mentioned Dave [the parrot not the Ab'er] in jest earlier he can pack a real punch when he wants to, all 1lb of him! That beak is there for a reason and when there is food he wants he will 'attack' to get it!
That eagle was just doing what comes naturally to them.

Lisa x
Like I said, good but fake. Almost as good as this one. Media URL:
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Don't watch this if you like goats.... you have been warned Tony!

Lisa x
Question Author
Erm that link doesn't work ChillDoubt.
Lisa, where did this take place?

Perhaps I'm being a bit dense but I can't understand how it can be fake. Do people mean it's a 'tame' eagle picking up a doll? Or have the edited several pieces of film or something?
Can someone explain to me, please.
fake -pause the video just before the bird strikes -the baby never moves at all - -its a set up -good but a set up and if you look closely the bird is not a wild eagle its got something attached to its leg.
yes tilly -fake doll trained eagle -hence the wobbly camera work giving the person in the stripey jumper time to change the fake baby for the real one -the real one sitting in the pushchair.
Lisa, you've just spoiled my day :-(
Was posting from iPod which failed, try again with this one. Like I said, good but fake.
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It was in Canada Tilly. Where, yes you do get Golden Eagles just flying around.

My son just pointed out that ChillDoubt's link was to a page full of fake videos but personally I think this was just a freak moment in time that happened to be caught on camera.... it does happen even in this cynical world.

I think what is shown is one lucky baby, I don't think the eagle would have carried it off but watch the goat video, if you have the stomach and there is proof that eagles will drop prey from a height to kill or stun it....another ten feet and it could have ended very differently :0(
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Time may tell eh ChillDoubt?
Thanks, Lisa.
This sort of video making is irresponsible. We've already got a psycho in Scotland killing golden eagles, let's not fuel the nutters who take everything literally.

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That would only be if it IS a fake though. And then lets face it the sort of plank that would go off killing birds because of that needs finding out anyway!

Off to play with my parrot now....byeeeeeeee
And so it starts.....

Very interesting information in the links.

In the poll on the second link more than 75% believe it to be fake.

Strange too that the person who almost had their child taken hasn't yet been interviewed with a child's jacket in hand with talon marks on it.

Why would that be....?
I made my two moggies watch the cat catching the bird clip - they yawned and went back to their duvets. Food comes in sachets or tins it seems.
if that was real and not a fake that is really scary. I am always worried that the red kites round here will make of with my little yorkie .He isnt the sharpest tool in the box , where we lived before a fox crept up on him and he was wifling trying to make friends ,thank Go my OH saw what was happening and scared the fox off.

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