could some kind soul please help me identify this bird's song - the best I can discribe it is, it sound like the bird is saying 'peck' very quickly, regularly spaced at four seconds apart, all on one note, quite high pitched - nothing else. Thanks in advance
no, neither of those - I haven't described it very well, just one sound,
'pic' or peck' - then silence for four seconds, then again 'pic' silence 4 second gap 'pic' again after a 4 second gap. no musical quality, all one note, no trills or anything, it does it about six times on the trot, then nothing for about 20-25 seconds, then it does another six.
I spent a little time on the RSPB site this afternoon - I shall continue to listen tonight, later on and I'll get back and let you know if/when I find it Thanks, ILS xx