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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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[IMG][/IMG] - another one for shaney - computer won't let me downl�oad more than one at a time, and you think you've got problems!!!
[IMG][/IMG] - not very good piccies I'm sorry.
ooh, can I have one of those to put around my waist please?


OUCH! I put my back out this morning ....& I had a migraine until a couple of hrs ago.... somebody's got the wax doll & pins out ... :o(

I'll keep an eye out for sproutman, hope he's ok

<shuffles off>

Oh they are sweet Neti .All I need to do now is ask Kit how many stitches to cast on and what size needles ...(unless of course they are knitted on reindeer horns) ..and that is a picot edging which I can get from my stitches book ...
Honestly <b<shaney the knitting is minute! and they are so comfortable and warm.

Robi I'll put one around your flaming neck in a minute!!
tee hee

ooh, it hurts when I larf....
Good morning people - how are you all? I do hope Sproutperson (I speak in the politically correct form) is OK and will join us today. Lovely, sunny day here, more spring cleaning to be done, in the laundry room this time. My hands are getting red from all this hand washing up -hmmm will have to persuade Mr N to sort it out.
Hi all, am more or less awake again..
sorry i haven't visited more frequently, struggling with paid employment, a mum in hospital and a dog with bronchitis vet came yesterday and it is nothing more sinister touch wood....roll on retirement at the end of this year and God bless DH for agreeing that I can retire before him and he will support me...looks loke I am missing all the fun here...loved the halloween email thank you.
I always preferred Gene Kelly to fred...a bit more macho IMO
Hi woofy glad you haven't deserted us - it's a bit slow on here, but then we are oldies . Yes I used to adore Gene Kelly, always thought Fred looked a bit mentally deranged, but guess that was the fashion! My favourite was "Brigadoon"and the one where he dances with a cartoon mouse, but don't know what it's called. Am off to meet the dinosaurs for coffee and will return to the spring cleaning. Fancy having to work -tut- but not long before you are a fully-fledged Biddy. What work do you do woofy unless it's top secret!
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Its oi >>

morning peeps...

oh heck, better hand out the surgical masks, all I need with a bad back is sneezing & coughing. Sorry you're not well Vinny, get well soon...I'll rub you some Vicks on ya chest if you can put my socks on for me....I can't reach

tut, I meant on my feet...and you look ridiculous.

hi woofy, sorry things are tough at the moment, it often happens that way with all the bad stuff all piles up on you in a heap. Bit like the leaves in my garden.
Keep tuning in, Vinny's in charge of the xmas Grotto this year so brace yourself! onists/mfl/lowres/mfln269l.jpg

Oh no, El Vinny in charge of Christmas!! Get well soon. x
poor old Vinny, never mind lad a good excuse to stay in bed and knock back the hot toddy
I am an occupational therapist in a community rehab team..actually I am half od the team leadership in a jobshare. Its a lovely job and I have enjoyed every (well almost every) minute of it but enough's enough and I am ready for genuine biddydom
hahaha...that's brilliant neti...we'll pin it up on the wall next to the dispenser

oooooh woofy you've gawn & done it now, with his bleary eyes Vinny's gonna think you said bed with hot totty....

tut, Vinny needs a real nurse

you can tell she's legit by the red crosses, you know
Hi all . So sorry you're poorly Vinny I'll come and tuck you up in bed! And Woofy I hope things get easier for you. Hope everyboday else is ok. It's a lovely day here today and I've been to Tai Chi and then to a litlle corner eating place call Websters in a village called Draycott not far from here. I had a lovely meal of scampi, salad and mash. And I had a free pudding because I have a Gold card and I couldn't eat it as I was full and they put it in a takeaway box for me. How nice was that!
See you later :o)

jude I think you are taking this retirement thingy to extremes - there you go, gallivanting again, and poor Vinny in his bed with manflu.
Poor Vinny Sorry you have flu. I think you have caught it off me because I have been coughing all over this computer!!!

I hope Jude doesn't get it because I coughed all over her today.
" It wasn't the cough, that carried them off -
twas the coffin
they carried them off in!"

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