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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Aaaw ..bless her .Shaney used to have me up the night a lot as he got older . He used to have to have a 2am wee and then he would lay up the garden staring into space and not come in when called ! He used to turn his backside on me ! And I used to have hang around in me shift freezing my bits off ! He got a bit of what I call Dogzheimers .
yo hairy scaries!

well we're back but it's still incredibly slow again
until they crank it up I'm not bothering...

Vinny can you send 'em some sprouts or sommink, I think they need more fibre in the system.
Actually make it syrup of figs...we don't want to be gassed.

Happy Halloween folks...hope you all got your mail.
Hello there my fellow frighteners!! It's like having a limb chopped off, I've bored all and sundry with emails. Now will go and peruse the site.
Well they seem to have shored it up with a few elastic bands and bits of string ..but it's still very slooow ...I can go faster than this on me broomstick .
Double, double toil and trouble
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Blatantly misquoted but ....................
If I don't get me cauldron going soon there will be trouble !
I've got curry tonight in my cauldron - have to say it's got really chilly here now.
Oooh I didn't clever of you Shaney buffs nails on jumper ...I should have said Hubble Bubble ....
I wonder if I put a bit more tonic in it the gin will bubble up .....ooh booger the lemon's sunk to the bottom !
Oh biddies, you've been dancing...! Kelly, Astaire & Rogers... and what about that Cyd Charisse. I used to love them black-and-white movies too (Danish television ran them), always hoped I'd grow up to be either Ginger or a cancan dancer - but in reality I can't even dance! Watching these movies as a child I used to wonder how I would ever learn, when I grew up, to know at what moment to burst out dancing - I thought it was "real", but what was the cue that everybody seemed to know...?

And what about An American in Paris, with that great Gershwin music, or Gigi, not a great script when you look at it now but the song lyrics were funny. And all those Hitchcock movies were magical too, and La Strada (my mother's favourite film) and Born Yesterday. Judy Holliday was a genius, as was Marilyn Monroe - wish she'd been given half a chance.

You should post more music, Jude. I loved that original Space Oddity clip. Do you ever try searching on YouTube for some of the bands you see on your nights out, they may be represented even if they haven't recorded, you know. Guess Santa will be bringing you the I'm not there-CD?

Happy Halloween to y'all too, thanks for the emails (couldn't view yours from this computer, Shaney, will try again.) I've left some questions unanswered today, will answer them next time around. Bye now!


PS When the site is slow, don't forget to try my little trick (holding the Control key down as you click and until the new window has opened up). It doesn't always help, but sometimes it does.
yes well neti4's been on the giddy liquor again


are we moving any faster.....?
ready, steady.....
Stop breathing down my neck, Robinia!

Actually, those stockings would go quite well with Neti's wrist warmers, don't know how you knew!

Bye again!
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Just tried that kipper...!
ended up in bloody science?(:O)
just gave them there trick or treaters me last 3 sprouts and they turned there noses up....ungratefull little brats....hehe..!(:O)
Just for you Kit !

I went to exhibition about her a few years ago at the County Hall Gallery. While it was open they had a robbery and some of her jewelry which was on display was stolen.They had the dress on display that she wore on her first date with Joe DiMaggio.It was a lovely exhibition.Some brilliant photographs ..some previously unseen and paintings .The dress was sooo tiny !
Baz is on telly on Friday night, on Dancing with the stars - oh I'm sooo happy, have already warned the family and booked the settee for me to lounge on.
oh my, I love those movies, Kit... I think my favourite sequence was Let's Face the Music and Dance, up on the roof where she's thinking of suicide. I love watching the Nicholas Brothers dance too - have you noticed that the scenes they're in in musicals are always self-contained? That's so they could be cut out when the films were screened in the southern USA, because they wouldn't like watching black men dance. But they were terrifically athletic.

Not so sure about Gigi - the story about grooming a teenage prostitute looks rather creepy now.

And remember Ginger Rogers' famous quote (though she probably never said it): 'I did everything Fred did - only backwards and in high heels!'
Aaagh .. Cab Calloway ..that lovely bit where they jump off the table and dance around in the orchestra in Jumpin 'Jive in Stormy Weather...brilliant ! Biddley biddley bop .
Hi All Just having me Horlicks after coming in from a bit of a Bop down the local. There was this young chap on( with backing tapes) and he was a good singer and sang some rock and roll, Elvis, Frankie Valli, and some more up to date stuff but I hadn't been out since last Friday so I was ready.
Got a busy weekend coming up. Nothing too exciting but will tell you about it tomorrow, I'm ready for bed now, So hope you all have a good night. :o)
I should have said good morning shouldn't I ? :o)
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Leave it to the professionals jude (:O)
♫Good Mornin....!good morning ! ♫
Good morning all - Day of the Dead here, so very quiet. Has everyone finished haunting and are broomsticks tidily tucked away for another year. Good! Actually have sun at the moment so am still off for coffee with the Dinosaurs. Be back later.
Well I thought all these problems with the slowness was me. (See, no confidence.) Did you know you cant cook cheese on toast in a cauldron!!! Love Judy Holiday, she was a wonderful actress. Must get dressed I am typing this still wearing me shift.

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