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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Are there any dumplings ?
Could everyone who wants me to have a look at their avatar please form a line outside this cafe, he he.

Oh God I'm crying with laughter...! First that stripper vid. While I was watching it I was laughing hysterically but I was also filled with great envy that it wasn't my name... then I returned to the posts and saw Neti in a something. Pique. And then Vinny's Neti pot... Mercy!!

As long as we're giving gifts to Neti, here's a new mop for you.

Long time no see Jude...? Can't you sign in, Jude? It's slow here too. Sometimes it helps to hold the control key down when you're doing something that involves opening a new window (such as for signing in, for instance.)

Oh hush now Robinia, it's understood that Vinny is wasted on here... and quite often too... but hey, long as he ain't aggressive or anything... (Seriously though: That high resolution art site was sensational, Vinny.)

Had lunch with some ladies yesterday. One of them is a very old (as in longstanding) friend, and she had made me a chanterelle soup amongst other things, oh yummy. (Will everybody please stop going on about that Marigold bouillon, I want it so much now! It isn't hydrogenated either?) After we'd eaten, my friend got up from the table only to screech to a halt with a lost look about her - she'd forgotten what she was going to do. We tried to help her reconstruct her thoughts, as you do, and guess what she says: I don't know! I was sitting here - and all of a sudden I got up!

Can't stop laughing at you either, jno: "Sorry if I haven't spelt anything out sufficiently." Oh Lord. I feel a declamation coming on: continued below, as soon as I've typed it in...
They ask him here, they ask her there.
Those ABers ask him everywhere.
Is he a Madam? Or is she a Sir?
That demmed elusive sex provocateur!

your camera reveals the details of your
frequent ascensions
it's clear you're a person of letters and art
your feet, we have learned, are of epic dimensions

...jno, we know you - but only in part

for how can we pay our attentions to boilers of rice,
and a bear?!
your queenly suggestions keep begging the question of just what the heck goes just where...

you're everywhere, sowing the seeds of dissension
most wickedly waving your tease avatar
there's one little thing that you never did mention:
goddamit, jno, we've been in your mouth... but you
never did say what you are!

I'll get me coat...
Well's been the usual fun day on AB ...I am Soupless in Gorleston or should that be Dumplingless in Ditchingham .
Or Gobsmacked in Gressingham (mind you that's in silly Suffolk )
My mince pies are all over the place ..I shall never be ready for Christmas.We'll probably end up with soup.
Do you knit those wrist warmers on circular needles Kit ?
Only I'm knitting a dickey at the moment on circulars and wondered ......
Hope you managed to find some new latchets Jno ..that's my new word for today courtesy of the DT crossword !

I bet you're all tucked up in bed and here's me can't sleep!
Just made myself a cuppa so I'm going back to have a read. Hope you're all havinga good night X:o)
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I bet yer all tucked up in bed,and theirs me.....erm...well ive got to go to zuperbug(:O)
Wake up Maureen..!!!
I'm hereVinny, but getting up later and later! It's so nice and warm snuggling up in bed with my pussy on my knees!! No No Vincent I mean pussycat!!!

KitI have to say those wristwarmers are knitted with an incredibly small and neat stitch, cor wish I could do something like that, all my knitting had to be done in doubleKnit wool on huge thick needles - yes even baby clothes, which of course she never wore!!
well booger this internet, I couldn't get on puta at all last night (Tiscali probs I daresay) & now I find this site is still sloooow....

oh shaney you've gawn & said <whispers> know it sets the sproutman, I didn't make any of those but the soup was delicious...I daresay even better today...& tomorrow....& the next day....I'll never buy stock cubes again.
Knitting circulars?...I'm dizzy enough, I like to know where to stop 'n start.

Jude I woke up at 3am too...there was a terrible droning noise for ages, did you hear it? I can only assume it was a plane, but I didn't like the sound of it.

Kit well it's bad enough that your English is far better than mine, but you write brilliant poetry too ......<hangs head in shame>

<clears throat>

Je m'appelle Robinia,
J'habite avec mon chein,
Il fait beau temps aujourd'hui - a .....<poetic license>
Et j'esp�re que tu vas bien.

wow, very good, Robinia, I think you can throw away the L plate you got with your poetic licence.

Moi, je suis
On y chante, on y danse...

Ahem, if anyone can see my post from 20.33 last night, can they please report it? It's dawned on me belatedly that it could get AB into serious trouble with the law, breach of court orders and all that, even though the content has been broadcast in America and Australia. I shouldn't have posted it, but I thought royalist biddies might want to keep up with the news.
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she must have had one of them there croissants fer breakys...!
that droning sound was jude falling out of bed ...hehe..!
blimey netti,I had to read that twiceways..! hahaha...didnt think they went south to..! mind you,handy if you go to the hair salon.."a blow dry please and a short back and sides below..just pull yer skirt up half an inch hahahaha.(:O)
oi..kipper,Are have you know im an upstanding citizen...well except tuesdays and saturdays...somebodys gotta support the brewerys...(:O)
talking of dumplings ribena. have you ever tried atora dumpling mix(veggie)I smuggle a bit of cheese in mine...lovely jubely....right...must go and see a dog bout a man..
later dudes..(:O)
is it just me or is it exceptionally, mind numbingly slow on this site?
I'm not letting it get to me

mmm, I see I managed to spell chien old French teacher will be throwing the chalk at me.
sorry, can't do as you ask jno, there aren't any report buzzers above muggy's post...very odd.

oh heck...not another quest for the dumpling mix...
will it be anywhere near the cakes?
<j>jno thanks for that 20.33 post of last night, ads I was seriously wondering. Now I'll report it. Must say it's not like you to flaunt the law!

BTW how does everyone else pronounce jno? I say juno, and Kit says JayEnOh, how is it eh?
Ooops can't seem to report it, so watch out for grey men in grey suits coming for you jno!!
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I couldnt even get on the site this morning.
Latin: Spelling variation of June. Or as I say...joono..(:O)

Afternoon all, been to Tai Chi came home and promptly fell asleep on settee. Woke up an hour later. Last night must have caught up with me. Even saw 4 o'clock this morning come round. Didn't hear a droning noise though Robi. Don't know what it could have been other than a plane.
I always pronounce Jno as Joono Vinny and as for Kit's English language skills, she put's me to shame.
Off to get a late lunch now. Looking forward to seeing my Tai Chi friend she has been to London to see the Terracotta Army and Billy Elliot at the theatre.
Bye for now :o)
how do you pronounce it? I hadn't realised anyone would want to... <why, is someone talking about me? what are they saying? They're out to get me, aren't they...>... I posted that link on another thread and it was removed by someone, quite rightly, but somehow this one has stayed... I suppose if there's no report button there's nothing to be done about it.
well I don't say jno at all...I just visualise slippers.

the missing report buttons suggests to me that someone has been reporting it/us but nothing's been whooshed also suggests that someone followed you here jno

♫...dern, dern, dernnnnn...♫
..but half of the posts on here haven't got Report buttons, what does thismean???

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