here - a website I am grateful to
Clanad for - for a massive list of names that
may be appropriate. If you want something more manageable, all of the following are listed in Chambers Dictionary...nacre (shellfish), nag (horse), naga (snake), nagapie (lemur), nagor (antelope), naiad (mayfly), naja (snake), nandi (bear), nanny (goat), nannygai (fish), narwhal (whale), native (oyster), natterjack (toad), nauplius (shellfish), nautilus (shellfish), neat (cattle), neddy (donkey), nematode (worm), nemertinia (worm), nene (goose), neopilina (mollusc), nereid (worm), nerite (snail), nerka (salmon), nestor (parrot), nettlefish, neuropter (insect), newt, night + churr/hawk/heron/jar/owl (all birds), nightingale, nilgai (antelope), noctilio (bat), noctua (moth), noctule (bat), notodonta (moth), notornis (bird), notorcytes (mole), nototrema (toad), nowt (cattle), numbat (marsupial), nun (pigeon), nurse (shark), nutcracker (bird), nuthatch (bird), nutria (coypu), nyala (antelope), nymph (insect).