My cat (6 years olf) has recently been urinating on my throw rugs and in my entryway. She has NEVER done this before not even an accident. We have a younger cat about 2 years old, do you think the older cat is jealous and that is her way of telling us? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! We treat the cats the same, no favorites!
She isn't very old,but could she be having kidney problems? Also-is she drinking more or off her food...these are symptoms of diabetes. She may need to wee suddenly,and is unable to get to her litter tray in time. It may be worth having her checked out by your vet.
yep, it could be down to what pastafreak mentions, if its not that then could be sent marking, either due to your other cat (is it a new addition?) or is there any possibility of someone in the hose hold being pregnant? (animals often notice the hormonal changes earlier than the human realises and it can cause them to start scent marking!)