cheeky garden in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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cheeky garden

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abyss43 | 21:20 Fri 30th Oct 2009 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I want to create a garden based on rude plant names. for example . Golden Showers, Bastrard Toad Flax, Wankelii, Cockburni anus... etc .....etc.... any suggestions apart from get a life you sad b£$%*rd.
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...Or the annual favorites... Black Negligee cimicifuga, Fishnet Stockings coleus, Dutchman's Pants, or the equally infamous (I kid you not) Gomphocarpus physocarpus... commonname is "Hairy Balls". Naughty scarlet cyclamen would be a good choice, as well as Little Wart, Lung Wart and other associated warts... or even Nipplewort. And the indignant...
22:50 Fri 30th Oct 2009
Am I missing something ? What is rude about Golden Showers ? I find my innocence quite embarrassing.
Brenda google it. heres a few to get you going Knobweed,virgin thistle sticky willy shaggy solider
Thanks raysparx1--have done , need a lie down now.!!!!!!
How about Red Hot Poker, Black Man's Willy, Stiffcock and Shagbark Hickory and of course Bastard Cabbage! My favourite has to be the one that you already know, Cockburni anus which sent me into complete hysterics at college (at the age of 40 I might add)!!
...Or the annual favorites... Black Negligee cimicifuga, Fishnet Stockings coleus, Dutchman's Pants, or the equally infamous (I kid you not) Gomphocarpus physocarpus... commonname is "Hairy Balls". Naughty scarlet cyclamen would be a good choice, as well as Little Wart, Lung Wart and other associated warts... or even Nipplewort. And the indignant stinking willy (jacobaea), snotty gogs (yew berries) and bum-pipe or pissabed (common dandelion). Not to be left behind ... Shagbark (common in the U.K., less known here in the U.S.), Knobweed planted next to the demure Virgin Thistle... and the suspicious Knobweed amongs the vibrant Sitcky Willys.. which Sexy Rexy English Rose
Brenda - Golden showers is a rather exotic sexual act in which one person urinates over another. Not my cup of tea I'm afraid.

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