I'm still surprised that the EU - with all their PCism and rules and regulations - still allows member states to treat animals in this fashion. Bullfighting is a national sport in Spain and Portugal. Why don't those animal rights campaigners who fought for so long to stop fox hunting take up campaigns to stop bullfighting and bull running? They could certainly lobby the UK and EU Parliament, their UK and EU MPs, and lead campaigns at the Spanish and Portuguese embassies in London. Instead, they just ignore these animal sports and do nothing.
Don't get me wrong. I can find far more to lose sleep about than fox hunting or bullfighting. However, I don't like double standards and that's what's happening in Britain at the moment - and not just with animals. Bull running in Pamplona has long been a tradition which I would happily travel to see, but if people want to get worked up about it like they did with fox hunting - then do something about it here! We're all supposed to be in the same superstate now!