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Dog underfoot

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B00 | 22:45 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | Animals & Nature
36 Answers
Anyone else have this problem?

I go to the toilet- the dog's there
I go to make a brew- the dogs there
I move a step- the dogs there.

I've lost count of the number of times today alone, ive trodden on her paws and twice tonight iv'e kicked her in the jaw as she's literally on the backs of my heels as im walking.

When im sat down- she's superglued to my side.

While it's largely endearing, I do find myself losing my temper occasionaly, especially when you can't even have a pee without a dog trying to sit on your knee at the same time!

Also- lastly, anyone else yell (then feel horribly mean) when you stand on their paws and they yelp?


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Ohhhh, the brat stage?

So you'll get a dog in 16 years time then?

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alll my dogs have been like this, though Max can't seem to make his mind up who to pester the most me or the boss, he spends half his time sleeping on my feet so I can't get away with out him and the rest of the time following Trish, the boss, about in case she's going to to suddenly find a box of his favorite goodies, which ever way it goes he knows he on a winner, secretly being the master of the house
Sally is like fact,I thought it was a case of seperation anxiety,as she's a rescue.Looks like I am not alone. I can't close a door slightly when I leave a room (to keep the heat in)-she immediately starts crying. She a largish dog-stands 24" ATS...but still squeezes herself into the loo...hasn't tried the bathroom thankfully. I can move just a few feet and she is like a shadow...and a bit big to trip over. I've accidently whacked her in the nose with my heel a few times when she's followed me upstairs,or when she's snuck behind me,and I've turned to do something.And she squeals like a stuck pig if I step on her toes.....:-((
B00 - this has brought back so many memories. My last dog was a rescued boxer but she only ever resembleda knock-out in her later years. I had to wake her up to go to bed. I would be half way up the steep narrow stairs and she would then start her rapid ascent. It became second nature for me to lean to one side to save her knocking me over. She would then be on my bed before I got in the room. The look of contempt on her ugly face when I made her move over was unbelievable. I have never been owned by any other dog capable of so many different facial expressions. When I stay at Big Sis's her pup never leaves my side. My frequent loo breaks are comical - she follows me in and then remembers she has forgotten to bring me a toy! She returns with whatever is toy of the moment and flings it at my feet. She is a bit like an Andrex puppy in reverse!
We lived just across the road from the park where I used to walk my little bichon and the two cats used to follow as well. People used to laugh at me with the dog, followed by two black cats running along who then used to hide behind a bush and jump out on the dog. Sadly, none of them are around any more and I do miss not having a pet. The dog used to sleep on the pillow above my head which made it very hot in the summertime.
Mine (6) all have their place at bedtime, two on the left under the duvet, one on the right, one where the other pillow should be (although when its cold he gets under the duvet too) and the other two have their cushions next to the bed. You should here the grumbles if I need to turn over or get out during the night! Wouldn't be without them for the world though.
My dogs the same, he has very bad separation anxiety whenever i go anywhere. :-( i know what you mean though, you move, the dog copies!
BOO, My cat is like this. If she is awake she is with me or attention seeking by knocking things over and getting in the way and what's more she 'talks' all the time. Dog is far less problem. I really can't be doing with a cat who sits on my lap when I go the loo and unravels the toilet roll. From the minute we open our eyes in the morning the cat is demanding attention.

BOO, I thought your dog had gone to live with your daughter a few years ago, or did I get it wrong
Mine use to drive me mad at times. It was like having a stalker....
BOO, forget my last posting. I have now read what happened to BOO. Is this another JR and what's her name x
Lankeela - no need for a leccy blanket then!
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lottie yes, this is another one.

She's called Missy and is another JR (i really do love that breed). Mr Boo bought her for me when I broke my wrist, so we've had her about oooo 3 years or so now?

I still recieve updates on Boo, he's living the life of riley with my mum's friend who's wheelchair bound, and he sits on his knee and gets wheeled everywhere!
Well you know what to do now B00 - sellotape Missy to her basket for respite time.

Joking - fully fledged animal lover I am ;o)
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haha ttfn! Excellent remedy and well worth thinking about too!

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