Has anyone got their birds visiting again yet ? My garden has been so quiet last couple of months, no lovely bird song, only saw a crow peck an acorn from tree and eat it! Can't wait to hopefully see our birds again.
Oh wow Tilly, do you live in a colder part of the country to me? (Devon), I wondered if I had killed all my feathered friends with kindness (Doh!) Hope not, but there is a glut of beries on my pyracanthus aand Lycestera, as well as wild berries in surrounding fields, and with windfall apples in the orchards I suppose they are 'stocking up' for winter!.
we don't have any anyway, not with 6 cats in 2 houses, magpies, and the seagulls - but I can still hear some dawn chorus in the early hours, from brave blackbirds and thrushes, and the occasional bluetit and wren in our shrubs
Cats can be so different can't they, I had one for 14 years and she wouldn't leave my garden, stayed in every night, and would no more look a bird in the eye than try to fly! She was half feral too, no mamby pamby to cuddle! She never brought anything home (other than wretched 'fleas'), and I'm sure the birds just mocked her !:)