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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Does anyone else think it would be interesting to have the Ed post a thread occasionally, highlighting his/her issues with AB? They could use it to bring up issues and give us information on technical...
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Where's the facility gone that allows you to change your username? I've looked on the "My Details" bit and can't find it anywhere!
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This has been put forward before,  but would it be possible to perhaps have a link to all new questions on AB raised, say, in the last 24 hours. There are so many interesting questions...
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I understand that the role of the Editor is not to arbitrate in disputes between users. However there have been a couple of cases where users have been insulted and attacked with little or no...
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Sorry if this was asked before  (as I'm not a regular visitor) but whats that all about?
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Could we have a welcome section where you could see the list of new members to join Answerbank with a report button facility if a username was obscene or almost identical to an existing user we could...
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I'm in a bad mood anyway so chose to ignore this if you want but it all seems to be getting a little serious. This site is supposed to a bit of fun isn't. stop giving th Ed grief and let him/her...
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we have a new font for names! so now capital I and little l look different. fantastic. why are some of the usernames green, though?
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I'm too lazy to read the rules or find out for myself.  I've having a bad friday 13th and would appreciated a straightforward answer! :-)  Thanks!
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The green highlighted user names will stop the Imposters and make it easier to spot the difference.( :)
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Can anybody shed any light on why some peoples user id's are coming up in green?!?!?  Puzzled
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Is it spooible to clear out some of the old questions (say 6 months). When searching for a clue, I keep getting the lsat Rainbow quiz rather than the current one.
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Just wondering why my rather inoffensive question about alternative mp3s to the ipod has been banned from the internet and technology page? It's still there on the shopping page. I see that the AB ed...
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i think that you need a spell/ grammer checker.
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At last!  My banned posts are now simply "removed" instead.  Why can't I get an answer as to why they were banned in the first place?
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Why are some aBer's usernames in Green???
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I note that after some answers have been given the phrase LAST  ANSWER applies. Does that mean that the Editor considers the question has been sufficiently dealt with ?
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The links to Qs I gave answers don't seem to work if the name has gone green, you just get a page not found error.  Will this get fixed or do we just need to learn to live with it?
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I'm fed up with my answers disappearing all the time but staying in my profile - that's no way to hold a viable debate. If there's a problem cannot it be made clear. Typing, typing, typing for nothing...
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ABE why do my questions keep disappearing?

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