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A nasty category?

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saxy_jag | 22:27 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | Site Suggestions
69 Answers
Perhaps there should be a separate category, accessible only on request, where posters can insult and swear at each other to their heart's content without risk of upsetting anyone else or getting a whole thread shut down? You know - if you don't like it, stay out?


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hence have only really got involved the last 2 days mickey
Some of it is automated because it picks up swear words right away. I know because I innocently used the words s l a g me off and the first word appeared as three little stars.
I've often wondered what it's like to have a stalker.
Starbo, that's another thing that the Ed doesn't like. He posted something earlier about it not being allowed.
Oh for Jebus sake!! Give it over
Ed is on the ball tonight :)
jebus...... lol.
Don't waste your typing Suezzz
What, swearing Mrs C.?
Anne, it's what a character in family guy said :)
Jeeebussssss lol x
Suezy I thought you said 'Beejabbers'
No Starbo, starting threads about threads (think he was probably referring to folk who start a thread asking why a thread has been removed).
Nah Jebus, people always think it's a typo or that I said it wrong ;)
Homer Simpson doesn't, Susie... ;-)
Yes, I know Mrs. C. He has just removed another one (by saxy..jag incidentally) about the same thing.
Mark was it in The Simpsons too? Maybe I heard it in the simpsons actually...
Funny, I have never actually seen that episode of the simpsons, It must of been family guy i heard it in
> It must have been family guy i heard it in


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