Not infrequently ABers have a go at each other about incorrect grammar. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a grammar section, without identifying individuals, where readrers could just give the incorrect and corrected versions of expressions they see on AnswerBank.
if people dont care about their grammar why would they go an check another topic to see if someone said anything?
they obviously dont want to be 'anonymously' corrected
its a q&a site so i guess if people want to know they should just ask.
DT, if you are referring to ' she is spoke' that was a deliberate take-off of a fun expression. Many people don't seem to know when their grammar isn't correct (I'm no exception) and, with the help of a touch of humour, it could be an interesting way to learn.
People who do that get on my pip. They not only frequently destroy good conversations, but they appear to be so far up their own bottoms that they've lost sight of daylight!
the posts would be too disjointed if you cannot mention posters and posts - just random people coming on and writing stuff like - "it is you're not your"
and if people do recognise that a correction post is in relation to their post they will only react the same way as if it was said in their own post so what the difference?
the only people who would use it are the people who already know the correct grammar - most others dont care...and there are hundreds of grammar sites for the ones who do
You are right Joko, when it comes to not knowing correct grammar most don't care. Even so, if developed with humour it could attract attention and curiosity.
I had a guy worked for me whose English was appalling but he used to say "So what, the meaning can still be understood, don't bother me with trivial errors"
One day I put £100 on his payslip instead of £600 - and when he complained I said, "So what, the meaning is clear, I'm paying you to work, don't bother me with trivial errors". Somehow he resented taking his own medicine.
The worst grammar, spelling and lack of any punctuation turn up in the law section. They are usually young men who have been arrested and facing court for various misdemeanours, so they join answerbank to find out what sentence they are likely to get. Also young women, who join AB to find out what they boyfriend sentence is likely to be. They disappear from the site almost immediately and those readers who ask for a few full stops in the block of text are ignored.
Murraymints, it depends what you mean by a 'naughty step' - it would be a pity up upset Ed. I'm going to take a break now to look out for some grammatical bloomers and may be back soon!
Our 'English as it is spoken' is a really difficult one to crack. English has grown and evolved for several hundred years, growing and evolving. Spelling and punctuation have been a work in progress since the invention of the printing press.
'English as written down' is a result of consensus and never really settles.
At the risk of being drummed out of the pedants society; there is no 'proper English'
There, I've said it.