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FredPuli43 | 11:52 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Site Suggestions
3654 Answers
Ed. Good luck with the one that says posts should be on the topic ! We do tend to wander (or is that wonder; never know which is which) on here!


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12:46 Fri 15th Jun 2012
ALL your advice, Ron?

Teat Owl stew. Take one used teat owl and boil till all the water is absorbed. Delicious served with crusty oven gloves.
Sorry should have said to add a pint of Guinness to that too.
Site rule no. 1925 Thou shalt not mention owls
Site rule no.1926 Thou shalt not touch or name a dog, a she-goat, ivy, beans, or raw flesh
Site rule 1926. Ignore site rule 1925.
OK 1927 then.
Thus saith Ab Editor (pbuh) who watches over us all
Praise be to AB Editor.
Sorry Tenrec, for the timing problem.

Unfortunately, by mentioning Rule 1925, you have invoked the bird which may not be mentioned, and the wrath of Ab Editor shall descend upon you. He will probably go for those ears - am inviting target...

I'm getting over-excited after being let in on the secret. I'd go out and mow the lawn but it's hissing it down.
Good - you got in a quick praise Ab Editor , which will probably save your ears..
Takes laptop and hides in understairs cupboard.
Bambi - calm down.
Bambi - have you clicked on the red letters? Praise Ab Editor ...
No Bambi, don't do it. It is a trap.
Bambi, remember what happened to your mother.
Aaaaaah! You should have warned me before. Yes I have. It may take me some time... Is this post going to beat that record? Is it a race?
Too late, I think Bambi has been brainwashed into the cult.

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