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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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Good morning biddies and Kit, We are having April Showers today, one minute sunny then a deluge of rain. Have finally altered the neti's secret and it now sits into the wood stove and looks brill, am leaving it so Mr N will see it tonight on his return !!
At the risk of being thwacked and smacked by Robinia I have to say the ole AB is very slow today NO AND IT'S NOT ME!!!!!
Biddies I am desperate I've asked all over this site and Living TV but no answers. Does anyone know what the classical song being sung on Living TV for the advert for Melrose Place, I'll sing it so see if you recognise it

There - any suggs??
"How soon is now "by Love Spit Love. (:o)
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neti....I think your cat's trapped somewhere!!

morning....ding dong merrily......!

ok, who snaffled the choccy out of my advent calendar?! it was a doggy one haha!

can you believe this for the 1st of Dec? lovely!

more seasonal

Robinia....!!!!! we know thats a plastic one,you stuck on a bush....tut tut..! I didnt fall of a xmas tree you know...
................................Ouch.put that womens weekly down.....Ouch...! (:o)
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here, have a sniff of it!....oops, sorry, slipped there....

now tell me Vinny, do those thorns feel real ....? don't worry, you'll soon stop bleeding....

okay.....who's hid the sticking plasters
doh..! there all on shaneys ceiling....(:o)
neti, he'll probably throw George on it
ahah - george is still in hiding - and the job I had getting the fire insert to fit, george will never ever fit. Cost me 15� to get it cut down. I'm getting clever at all these links ain't I??
Hi all. I've got plenty of plasters Vinny be glad when I've done with them. I am on Floxi whatsits Robinia but luckily I feel ok. Just going a bit more often than normal LOL. Good news 1 more week off work then back to it, hours sorted and peace made with 'up herself' manager. Lovely Photos Robinia. I'm amazed I have got a rose coming out too. Going to have my lunch now chicken and mushroom pie and veg. Not home made I hasten to add. Off out to our usual haunt tonight for a bit of Rock and Roll dont know who's on though could be rubbish, still it's a night out. Hope everybody else is ok Neti, Dolly,Shaney, Kit, Jno and last but not least Brian Hope I haven't missed anybody..:o)
Cor thanks jude....umm..there not used one's are they..?I know how thrifty you derby girls are>>
only ive just had a look through robinia's window....tut tut..
hehe (:o)
You take care tonight jude no flinging your hand about. Is Brian still with us??
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hi Jude swap yer pie for my tuna sarnies? You'd
better stick a plaster on Vinny's nose he looks ridikkoolus with bits of Izal all over it.

jno I've been able to see all your must have your baseball cap on back to front again, you little ole hip-hopper you.

I couldnt see one of them jno,it just says fortune city.Netti!!!!!!!!is that the right song??give me a clue...(:O)
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what's she like Vinny? comes in, asks a question....bumbles off.....time she had a <<<thwack>>> today
Vinny that is not the right song, the one I want is operatic -I thought you were taking the p+ss so I ignored you. It's not for "Charmed" it's for Melrose Place the Sky advert for it. Thanks anyway. x
ha ha you missed Robinia sticks tongue out and runs(!) away
Had my lunch not bad at all if I do say so myself. The pie was an out of date by 1 day co-op one but it was ok with carrots, corn and mange tout. Yes Neti Brian does nip in and out now and again. I usually email him about the Sunday Express Skeleton Crossword, cos I'm rubbish at it, and he tells me more about me than I know myself lol, he nips in to see us Biddies to keep up with things. Going for a read of the paper before I do the pots no doubt I'll have a you later.
sends netti's hubby e.mail...
your wife's been unfaithful ,there's a george in the cupboard...and he's been there for 3 months....
thats the last time I google for that spanish bird....give her a good whack robinia....(:o)

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