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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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Oh no not another thwaking!!!!
Hiya I'm all ready to go out now but I was wondering if one of You kind Biddies will please explain to me in simple terms how to get one of those signs Vinny posted in to an email. I can print a sign then it says download to image shack well when I click that it goes to my pictures and asks me to save it and then when I try to copy it to an email it doesn't scroll hhhheeeeellllllppppp please. May not answer tonight as I'm off out in a bit but would be eternally grateful for any help. You know what a useless twonk I am (is that a rude word, if so I'm sorry) Bye for now x
dear jude sorry love, but I don't have a clue.
Thats ok thanks Neti one of the others may just know what I'm on about. Hope you're ok and have a goodnight. I'm off out at now Bye x
Hiya jude.
when you browse on tinypic/imageshack,just left click to highlight piccy and then right click,and you will get a columm come up.It will say, send to male that,and it will take you to your E-mail.(:o)
Thanks Vinny. You mayw onder why I'm replying at this time of night. Well it was a rubbish night in fact the worst since I cant remember when. Went to our unsual haunt. Rubbish duo with backing tapes. Then went the other side of town to see the Pumpkin Trucks who aren't on till tomorrow night. Then went to a pub in a rough part of Derby where groups play and it was Kareoke. So I was asked what I wanted to do and I said GO HOME so here I am LOL. Anyway thanks for the instructions I'll have a go Goodnight, Sleep tight .xx
I'm back sorry Vinny' no can do' I cant even see a browse button on image shack I'm rubbish. Bye for now
Vinny here I am again LOL. I have finally cracked it Yippee!!
Whispers,welldone orf to zuperbug now to buvver ze flour....byeeeee...later dudes...(:o)
Morning all hope you are well. It's lovely and sunny here at the mo but I think storms are due. Neti The Maniloon has just been interviewed by Jonathon Ross on BBC 2. His imitator Andy Walker is appearing at out local haunt on the 15th of December. Done a really big clean up today and cooked my Dad a dinner cos I'm going out to lunch tomorrow to a pub in Shardlow. I won Sunday lunch for 2 in a quiz. Going to listen to the Rams in a bit, have you noticed Vinny we're doing quite well at the mo. See you all later......:o)
Oh jude I don't thinkI can get BBC 2.

Well daughter has gone again to mainland, and I had the obligatory weep ( 2 secs), came home and she's left more behind than she took. Phone chargers, you name it she's forgotten it, EXCEPT for my best (unworn until last night) glittery scarf from Matalan, "oh it's on the floor she says from Barcelona" - not!! Well house is neat and clean again, George has been rumbling round and fire looks lovely and cosy,

Hope you are all well and happy Biddies.
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glides in on tea trolley >>>>>>

evenin BiddyBoddies..... oooh, I'm shattered & got bngger all to show for it....erm, box of crackers, box of cards & 2 selection boxes....oh dear, I'm no good at this xmas thing. All I see are things I'd like for myself.....
.....& I couldn't find a thing in Droopashrug, I think Vinny had been buffering about in there.

what is this bbc2 thing then? when was that invented pray tell?...will I get it on here, it's a bit fuzzy....
think it needs a thwack

You have nothing to show Robinia ....I haven't even bought a stamp yet ! I did buy a box of fruit jellies for my elderly neighbour but I have eaten them and am only half way up the second bedsock I am knitting for her. Tempus Fugit and here's me with not a pot washed ! I was going to write some Chrimmy cards this evening ..but it's such a daunting task .
I'll do them tomorrow !! Or Monday or .............sometime next week. Some people are so organised ..I am that ditherer you see wandering about last thing Christmas Eve !!
Hi all guess who hasn't gone out tonight then - couldn't be a***d. I got up onThursday a.m at 6.30 and wrote all my cards took me 2 and half hours. Just got to deliver and post them now. Going down the town on Monday to shop and I am determined to do it all then - she says - not very convincingly!! Just on msn at the mo to my young friend see you later. :o)
Ooh I say Jude you are a good lass..Can you come round and write mine ? I keep begging the Butler to do them but he's busy writing his memoirs.
lawks, december already and me with cards to send to Sydney and suchlike places... must get writing... or maybe I'll just look in the Christmas section and see if there are links to email cards there, that'd be easier, wouldn't it.

Incidentally, I meant to post this Friday night... did post it on another thread and forgot to put it here for the benefit of thirsty biddies... I expect everyone's seen it now as it was in all the papers, but just in case... Sorry Kit, I expect for your purposes this only brings it down to about 3 million kronor a bottle, but Beck's Grand Cru may be covered...
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good morning....good grief! shaney you may have a new roof this morning....mine! what a night!
(btw, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's not organised xmas yet, I was feeling very inadequate)

wow jno I thought that might have a catch but obviously it's for real, they'll be queueing round the block with those....I'm not even sure what our 'offies' are these days, being a non-drinker.....oh just checked, seems we have The Local....maybe it's time to convert, this could be the last time I make sense ahem!

erm, I know time goes quickly but I was just browsing for Dora Explorer dvds for one of my granddaughters & I found one.....release date 1st Jan, 2020........!!!!!!! I think she might be a little disappointed with it when she's 18!

100mph winds in the west country... blimey... you okay, Vinny? ...better get out the hurricane lamps tonight
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.....and in the far distance there came the sound of quills scratching upon parchment as the Biddies sweated over their season's greetings whilst chomping on their bah humbugs....
Yes you are right Robinia you all put me to shame, so have now finished all my cards - presents are another matter! Intoduce Mr N to fire insert yesterday and he actually rather liked it once he realised it was a heater aswell and costing oodles of �. Sat with it on for 11hrs and also lighted the calor gas which made it cosy.

How is the hand jude hope it's getting better, and shaney hope shaney is getting on alright now.

Hello to Kit when she gets on here.

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