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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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ahem amendment *realise it was NOT a heater aswell*
Hurtles through the door backed by a ten force gale !
Gosh it was windy here last night and it's still blowing hard .
There's a huge tree down in the churchyard .It's too windy to hang my bloomers out ..they'll probably end up draped over Robinias telegraph pole .
Shaney is fine now ,thank you Neti ..but he doesn't like this wind up his tail !!
Have made a start on my cards ...and feel very virtuous !!
Hello everybody well I've almost done. Two more pressies to buy and that's it. Went into Derby today and was determined to do as much as possible and did. Hope you are all ok. My hand is on the mend now and I can leave the dressing off so that the air will heal it up, well that's what the doc says. Going to a Jewelery party tonight. Not into parties like that really but my friend asked me to go with her. You never know I might pick up a bargain. See you all later no doubt, bye for now :o)
Hi everyone, just wanted to post a playmate for Charlie and Shaney-the-dog: My nephew's Staffordshire terrier Nikki (Nikita.) I asked his permission, he said ok but don't tell where we live... Ok Charlie? Ok Shaney? No stalking, you hear?[/IMG][/IMG]

She hasn't quite learned how to turn the fan on yet, but she has taught my nephew to turn it on for her when she places herself in front of it like that! He's her third and last owner. She had been through a hard time with previous owners, but she's a very happy dog now.

I've been catching up on what you've written and I even made notes, but of course I didn't bring them with me. Let's see if I can remember anything.

Oh yes, I remember Robinia's lovely rose - is that your garden?

And I remember my reindeer Ipod of course, jno - now why don't they sell'em up here? Don't worry about the discount voucher, I'm still sipping on that Campari! By the way, what exhibition did you see in Paris, and have you been to Holbein yet (that was mentioned in an earlier thread)?

And I remember Vinny calling me kip. I really liked the ring of that, but thought I'd better look it up just to make sure... I found that it's a name alright, albeit male, but I also found this definition:

Kip: A gymnastic exercise performed starting from a position with the legs over the upper body and moving to an erect position by arching the back and swinging the legs out and down while forcing the chest upright.

Vinny, I'm doing it even as we speak. Can't think how you knew.

(Back a little later.)
Vinny always lives in hope Kit!!!
Question Author
evening ladies....was it busy in town Jude? I've not been for ages, it just looks like a nightmare with all the building going on....

hi Kit, lovely doggy but she looks a bit tough for Charlie, he's a wimp! I do hope you don't spend too long translating many of our strange words & terms...I'm probably the worst, I tend to write as I speak (I do it to confuse Vinny)
you should have a word with neti about making notes....she just might keep up with us that way.

I've done a handful of cards just to keep up with mrs scrubbit

where's windy of woolacombe again today?

aha, looks like he's the biddycombe xmas postie

Ha ha Neti yes that's what I thought! By the way, I'm confused, who's George? The cat? (Surely not your husband, then I've really put my foot in it - I always read in such a hurry. and then just when I'm about to start writing, I'm logged off, and then I forget the conclusions I made... Sorry.)

Jude, what's a quiz? I thought I knew what it was, but you're always going to them, so maybe I'm wrong. I'm thinking Jeopardy, if you folks have that tv show? But you wouldn't be doing that kind of quiz every week... (unless you're the hostess!)

Brian, who's Brian? I told you we are not alone:[/IMG]

Seems like I'm your quiz hostess for tonight... (But I'll soon be logging off now.) Hope you are all as well as can be expected (don't you just love it when people say that!)

Hi Robinia, don't worry, I enjoy learning silly stuff!

Charlie is not a wimp, he's... refined? Genteel?
Kit this is george
love of my life

I bought it on the quiet and hubby still doesn't know "waste of money" and all that!!!
Oh I see, Neti - maybe he's an appropriate match for Nikki, then, if Charlie's too er refined...
Question Author
I keep threatening Charlie that I'll have his hair done
like this
that should toughen him up!
A comb-over...? Yes that's irresistable for man and beast alike, Robinina.

Pssst, Charlie dear, here are a few hints for you:

Animal rights organizations/campaigns
Action for Animals
Animal Aid
Animal Liberation Victoria (ALV)
Animal Liberation (Maqi)
Animal Liberation Front
Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group
Animal Protection Institute (API)
Animal Rights National Conference
Animal Rights Hawaii
Animal Rights Kollective (ARKII) - Canada
Animal Rights International (ARI)
Compassion Over Killing (COK)
Compassionate Action for Animals
Farm Sanctuary
French Animal Rights League
Friends of Animals
Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)
The Fund for Animals
Hamilton Animal Rights Association
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Hunt Saboteurs Association
In Defense of Animals (IDA)
Madison's Hidden Monkeys
Mercy for Animals
Michigan Animal Rights Society
New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS)
New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Primate Freedom Project (PFP)
Rights for Animals
Rochester, MN Animal Protection Society
Society of Ethical & Religious Vegetarians (SERV)
Southern Oregon Animal Rights Society
SPEAK, The Voice for the Animals
SHAC, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
United Poultry Concerns (UPC)
Vegan Outreach
Wild At Heart
International Animal Rights Community (ARCo)

....gotta go now! Good night!
(Robinina...? That was not intentional. Hope it doesn't mean anything in particular!)
Question Author
ooh that's a hefty mobile phone bill for him!

is that robeener ner na ner ner?! :o)
ha, Kit, never heard that meaning of Kip before and somehow I can't quite see Vinny having that on his mind. No, the more common use of the word is to mean sleep, or to have a nap, and that, I imagine, was what he was thinking...

Still haven't been to see Holbein, and now I've got to go Christmas shopping in every spare moment, but I hope to try tomorrow. In Paris this was the one I saw:

Rather unusual and you're never going to see anything like it in Britain; but I liked it a lot and brought the catalogue back, despite my shaky comprehension of French... I can always look at the pictures.

As for quizzes, can't speak for Jude of course but they regularly hold them in pubs and clubs - sort of like Trivial Pursuit, and I'm guessing that is the sort Jude goes to

Incidentally, Jude, I do hope you don't do any more damage to your hand playing air guitar...

Right, tired of sitting at my desk at work all night, I'm going to stroll down to Sainsbury's, weather permitting, and look for a sandwich.
Morning all....
I will catch you later this time.I went over biddyford and stayed.The weather was biddyatrocious.You have to cross a bridge into biddyford,and know way was I going back over that thankyou.OOOh I like kips version of wasnt on my mind jno....but it is now ...hehe..! I think that was the night of my birthday...and my vision was how did she do that in a library.....the mind boggles...(:o)
just practicing.....hehe...!
hohoho (*_*)
Question Author
morning people....tis a quick visit this morning

hi Vinny glad you're still with us.....hahaha love the pics lol, I see I'm feeling the cold.

what a wild night!! gales & lashing rain...hope you've all got ya hats pinned on.
Hi all just got back from Tai Chi having learnt a few more moves. Kit the quiz I go to is a bit like blockbuster, There are balloons in rows across the sheet with numbers in and the quizmaster shouts a number and the anwer to the question if you know it goes in the balloon with that number on. When you have got a full line from side to side you could have possibly won if all your answers are right. The questions can be on any subject under the sun, but tend to be general knowledge. Not too difficult. It's a fun quiz and you could win a bag of brussels sprouts or Sunday Lunch for 2 which is what I won. Hope that's clear LOL.
About Brian, he has been on here now and again and is a crossword buff. He has his own web site and I sometimes send him an email and he asks me things I didn't think he knew but he comes on here and reads the posts but doesn't very often contribute.
Morning all - advice please - anyone had a CAT scan, or resonance magnetica - I have to have one on Monday and I'm claustrophobic - the doctor says i'll only be in it for 10 - 20 minuetes but I'm terriied. Any advice how to get through it???

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