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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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gessoo how cruel can you be? this is it before I copied Changing Rooms - or was it the other way round hummm!


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Inapickle - waiting around.


Sorry everyone - I knew it couldn't last!!! By the way if any of you go onto Cerescape - there is a poster called lecheekyworm which is also another username of mine (some of you already know that) but it is not me so don't think any comments made by that person is anything to do with me. Good name though wasn't it???
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Well are you lot quite finished having a rollicking good time? I meantime have been trapped in the NooLoo all bloomin' afternoon. Didn't anyone hear me?????????Hammering & banging I was but I couldn't get out!! Three times, I say THREE TIMES, I've been jet washed & Harpicked and I can't tell you where the rotating brush went.

Great pics & I'd laugh if it didn't hurt.....I think I'm going to need some therapy......

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Go ahead, have a good giggle but you can all stop tittering 'cos I've got myself an appointment with the emergency BiddyDoc. Apparently I might need a few sessions to get me over my trauma but I'll try & stay the course.... (erm, I'll have the lingerie now IAP thanks very much)...... doc

so that's where the old loo went too. Poor Robinia you know you should always tell someone where you are and NEVER lock the doors. It's your own fault. Now now come and sit down and tell neti your problems, (look I've resisted posting any pics - mainly cos the last one didn't work and I fee such a fool)

Robinia you cheeky thing you this is the reason you were in the loo so long,


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Nope it's still not funny and I was definitely not reclining in the urinals with santa. Anyway I've seen the doc & he says to take it easy on a soft seat - so the rocking chair is mine, thank you, & he's given me a prescription for some medicinal brandy & chocolate eclairs. Oh & he said no cleaning until Jan. 6th. I feel so guilty.......Ding, dong merrily on high.......
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Gay IAP???? when he saw me in that thong he was positively ecstatic!!

( be careful with the pictures - we don't want the Grotto closed down too - being a prudey old biddy now!!!)

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I return! My son has gone home and all is quiet here, in fact too quiet! Been having a giggle at all the latest posts and pics!! I dont know how you find them all.

Thanks Neti for the link, will have a go soon.

Didn't do well at the quiz but we had a laugh!

Sorry you got stuck in the NooLoo Robinia. Hope you feel better after the medicinals! Afraid I didn't here you shouting I've been to visit some friends I've not seen for years and they only live down the road!! I wonder how long this thread will go on for. It seems that if we keep it 'clean' it could go on for ages. Great I say! :o)

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Of course IAP xxx

We just love it here in this dusty old Grotto so much that we don't want to be evicted. What'll we do after Christmas? Maybe we'll call it Escape from the Planet of the Sales. Mind you, we Biddies are a dab hand at elbowing our way to the front for the best bargain bloomers.

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Oh nearly missed you Jude - I'm feeling surprisingly calm since the brandy but I think I'd better have another dose to be on the safe side. Ooooh - I don't seem to able to get this rocking chair started.
I'm off to bed now - up at 6 again. See you all tomorrow. Nite Nite!! :o)
Morning Biddies..!!! im completely biddiefied....went to try some testers..aftershave for my son..tried six or was it seven....blimey in the end they all smelled the same....?and I..ended up a ...well you no what....!then i tried some perfume..for you biddys....well i can tell you I got some right funny looks....must have had about �200 squids (testers)...of aftershave and perfume..about my im gonna sit in the grotto..and fumigate the place...and its all free.(and im gonna smell sweet for the next twelve months.he..he.(:)
jno!!!!!you naughty boy...the biddybanks a secret..looks like your be on lavduty...when motherbiddy Robinia finds out( :)heres the lav brush...(:)

morning all - phew Vinny you smell like a tart's boudoir.

For heavens sake someone get out the air freshener, try to lever open the doors - I'm going outside to the biddypatio to drink my hot oxo and dunk my toast.

Sales, did someone mention sales - oh how I wish - we are only allowed sales in January and July, and any shop having them at any other time gets sued - so at this time of year it's all horribly expensive. Got my Xmas cake yesterday someone made it and iced it so I'm a happy bunny (apart from sitting near to Vinny)

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