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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Sorry and goodnight to Smudge xx
Jude....!!!!Turn that light off..the air raid warden will be around soon..(:)night night.xx
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ok - lets all get in the tin bath with Vinny - that should give us a good laugh & we'll feel better.......just give me a minute to find the bath cubes & my wind-up frog ....sorry Vinny, no room for playing submarines.

all these pain killers have killed my inhibitions.....I might regret this in the morning ~~~splash~~~

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Gosh ..that brings back memories IAP. Tin bath in front of the fire on a Friday night !! Then the dreaded hair wash and even worse the dreaded rags in the hair !!

Thank you all for your kind words.
Mr.S.took early retirement four years ago
because he could see the way things were going with pension plans etc and I don't blame him..and yes he did used to be in charge at work !!
But he seems to have retired from life except to hover over me all the time.!He has never had any hobbies and is not a terribly sociable person.This makes him sound like an ogre..but he isn't .He's a lovely kind man but living in close proximity with him day after day is getting me down.
He talked me into coming back to Norfolk ,making it all sound idyllic but I end up taking Shane to the beach on my own.
I miss work and the camaraderie of it all I suppose and my friends were always there for me.They still are but it's at the end of the phone or email and letters.
I suppose what it boils down to is the fact that in spite of this family around me I still feel lonely.
Anyway enough of my moaning and feeling sorry for myself.
Pull yourself together Shaneystar!!
I had a nice game of Scrabble with my son this evening ..but he beat me..!
Things may look better in the morning...sorry to offload on you all ..but I do feel better for doing so.
Take care all..Nite Nite and sweet dreams.xxxx

OMG I can't believe it... past midnight and I'm doing DIY dentistry! A tiny little bit of tooth chipped off and the remaining jagged edge kept gashing my lip so I've literally had to file down my own fang with a nail file... And me hardly back from the dentist with my new gold tooth. I wonder if 2006 will finally be the year they all fall out.

jno came down like a wolf on the fold
molars a-gleaming in purple and gold...

Oh jno ..I am sorry ..but had to laugh.! The bridge the dentist gave me was fine to start but my gums are starting to shrink back and it's pressing on the bone so....I have also been filing it down with a nail file. It is getting so bad I am going to ask my son to have a go at it with his Dremel ..I can't put up with it for another three months until my next appointment !!

Nighty night !!

ok, I think a dental clinic in the back room of the grotto is definitely called for. I'll just clean out the aspidistra, the model of the Eiffel Tower in matchsticks can go into the corner, and this...errr... mince pie?... anyway, it can go out to feed the birds. I've found a nice little


and I stand ready with my nail file and a pair of pliers. And remember, what's the best time to see the dentist? Tooth-hurty!

Blimey Pickle....! thats a posh tin bath.You could only fit one in ours,Robinia's lost her inhibitions...dives in quick....!splash>>>>>>.our you pleased to see me,or is that a submarine..He..He....!poor old jno,(where did you find your dentist...)he didnt use to be a blacksmith did he...?"Fangs for the memory"da da de..
Um..where do i start,well I thought the clock said 25to7...but the computer said no..well it did say five to i cant get back to sleep(had a strong coffee)the bloody little hand is the same size as the big hand on my clock...?or is that the small hand...doh..!so im gonna sit by the fire with the window wide open,and listen to the dawn chorus..they do sound good this time of morning.In fact i think everybody should set there alarms at 4:30 and have a listen,I guarantee
your feel ten times better...(:)okay,you may feel a bit tired...vinny stop rambling........(:)
Think I'll put ny name down for the first set of dentures but I'll want a gold tooth just like jno's please . Then I'll be the Dental nurse assisting the Dentist (who is qualified for that ,do you think it might be you Vinny ?) hehe
When did you come over gessoo ? when we first came here ladies wore white gloves and hats and children went to school in bare feet (shoes get ruined inthe rainy season ) I took to wearing thongs ( no not that kind Vinny ) on my feet and now I have to buy wider size shoes !!Shaneystar have you been over to see your brother in Perth ? My brother and my daughter who live in Manchester are coming over in March for a few weeks ,my son-in-law is also coming . I'll find a spare baby kangaroo for them to bring back for the Biddygrotto to save mowing the grass .There Vinny saved you a job !
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Morning all - can't quite remember what I was up to last night - skin's rather like an albino raisin this morning but I smell fabulous & the aches have subsided a little so it must have been some kind of alternative therapy.

hahaha for some reason I wrote 'Worming all ...' ^^^

Hope we're all feeling brighter than the weather this morning.....Vinny next time you're up that early please feel free to pop in here & give the peg rugs a shampoo....I think they're starting to become a wildlife habitat.
poor you jno - not having much luck with your teeth. I've got one that's hanging together by sheer luck & I'm dreading the day that it falls apart. .... haha that sounds as though I've only one tooth.....

Dolly I'm not sure having Vinny as dental nurse is a good idea but one whiff of his slippers & we won't need any anaesthetic

morning all -

shaneystar - I do sympathise with you. My husband is younger than me so is still working, but as he owns his own business, he is often at home (esp if raining and he cannot play golf) and it drives me MAD, He even rearranges the tins and jars on the kitchen shelves a la "Sleeping with the enemy" and I end up screaming at the bottom of the garden, no point in telling him. Like yours my hubby is a very good man and a good hubby but cannot stand him being at home too long. I have my own routine at home and when he's there nothing gets done, and sometimes he gets bored and expects me to drop everything and go out for lunch or something. When he finally retires it'll drive me bonkers.

Oh and by the way, I have another toothache!!!!

just a quick post as i am going out....good and amusing advice about men here

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mmmm beginning to think I'm right about wanting a relationship where the partner/husband lives next door. I think, for many of us, the older we get the more we need our own time and space. Despite enjoying company I don't mind being alone sometimes &, for heaven's sake, what's this 'bathroom sharing' all about?.....the occasional splash about in the tin bath aside, just stay away from me while I do what a woman's gotta do.....

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oooh btw Vinny we're not anti men...please don't leave us it wouldn't be the same without you.....

.....and your tinnies

.....and slippers

.....and brylcreem on the chair backs

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It's all very simple really seehere

Gawd bless 'em- couldn't live without 'em.

How is everyone today - here is very cold but very sunny and they neighbours are doing the ritual pig killing and making sausages and hams and god knows what else, smells delicious, so am having a microwaved tacos. Hubby out and daughter out, bless the silence and room!!!

Just a brief posting as in a hurry at the moment. Shaneystar, I feel much as you do although I do have lots of friends in Norfolk (We have been here since 1979) - but Mr G is just the same as Mr S, a lovely man, but not a great socialiser and I do dread impending retirement.

I simply won't give out personal information on this site, but if you can think of anything we can do to exchange phone numbers, we'll do it. Perhaps our Biddiemates can think of a way. We are not far apart and have lots in common to talk about. We will get together somehow! Meanwhile, keep smiling - you are not alone.

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