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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Vinny, here's some fit young Biddies to lure you in

jno I am gobsmacked! -feel quite delectable now after checking myself in the mirror.
gessoo I always thought that you and shaneystar were sisters. How could I have got that so wrong???
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crikey jno - I'd just come in to eat my sandwiches......almost put me off.
Why do I have a craving for Dairylea cheese (& tomato)? haven't bought any for years

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gessoo I suggest you and shaneystar go for a toddle around your nearest shared city/town wearing your liberty bodices over your paisley frocks & pretty soon you should spot each other.
Neti, Shaneystar and I have so much in common, even living in the same area of South London, etc. Also when I saw her photo, she could be taken for my sister so we started calling each other 'Sis'. So you are not going mad!
You lot are a real tonic !! I am glad it's not just me!
Neti I had to laugh...perhaps Mr.S. and Mr.Neti could get together for a tin arranging session !!
Dolly I haven't seen my brother since 1973 when he came home to see my Dad shortly before he died. We do keep in touch all the time though and now with email and being able to send pics and so on it's as if he just lives down the road really.
Perhaps I will get out there to see him one of these days. My middle brother went about ten years ago and stayed for a month.
Hope your teeth are still in one piece this morning Jno.
I think I may become a dental tourist the way things are going with mine.!
Gessoo you are a sweetie. Perhaps we could meet up in Norwich one day when the weather has warmed up a bit.Will keep that in mind.As Robinia says if wear our liberty bodices and wave our walking sticks around I am sure we will soon spot one another.!
Well folks it's all back on an even keel here today so I am off to take pooch to the park .
Take care all xxx
P.S woofgang..that link is hilarious!
Good grief ! I have just seen Jno's calendar. Makes me feel quite slim and fit. I hope Vinny is not oogling !!

OMG. After looking at jno's calender I am changing my user name to 'Twiggy'!!!!

He, he, Mr G arranges tins in the larder as well, but his garage is something like Steptoe's yard!!!!!!

Shaneystar - Norwich is a great idea! As soon as the weather warms up we will definitely do it!!

Good afternoon everybody. I have managed to make it to the Supermarket to get some petrol and some essentials even though I don't feel quite 100% yet.Talking about needing your own space etc. I live on my own and really enjoy the 'freedom' if that's the right word but there are times when I wouldn't say no to perhaps a meal out with a member of the OS or a trip to the theatre or something but I am so independant I would probably put them off before long because I would insist on paying my half and all that and I feel would find it difficult to get 'close' to anybody at my time of life. I have two lovely sons and as long as they keep in touch I'm usually ok. And of course I've discovered all of you kind people which helps in my times of loneliness. Having been off work all last week I realise retirement isn't for me just yet. (But between you and me and the gatepost I am past the age of that)

I remember baths by the fire Robinia. When I was about 4 my sister was very ill with diphtheria and I had to live with my Grandma and I can remember her giving me a bath like that. She also used to lie me on this huge table on a towel and dry me off back and front. Funny what you remember from years ago and have problems remembering what damn day it is!!

Blimey jno,they would suck me in,and blow me out in Bubbles..He...He..mind you,you wouldnt need a blanket...!Shaney and gessoo,you could put an advert in the local newspaper on a certain day..."Biddie wants to meet Biddie...please apply to box number,and add your secret code(grotto).just been to tesco's,im sure there trollys are .intelligent .it took me straight to the becks...amazing..(:)I could never leave Robinia,I would miss your wit and your daily micky takes(mainly aimed at me)Apart from that,I dont want the biddymafia after me.they might leave a liberty bodice on me pillow.(:)
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Just popped in for a few mins.....evenin' all

glad you're getting mobile again Jude - it's horrid when you still feel wobbly & have to face the shopping especially on a Saturday. I've been thinking (!) I the baby on here I wonder? (52 in May) I don't feel very youthful somedays, I have 80 yr olds either side of me who put me to shame. I don't mean physically at this moment...I mean next door!
I think we need a cupboard with a few fellas in Jude that we can take out & polish up like shoes & then put 'em back when we fancy a change.....all different styles from comfy flip-flops to vampy red stilletos. (I've got some of those but I can't walk in them anymore!)
Were you a disco diva btw? The Moon, Celanese, Talk of the Mids?

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hehe Vinny you're a glutton for've had that satellite navigation thingy put on those trolleys in Tesco haven't you so they head straight there? .....don't understand sat nav myself, what's wrong with holding a map upside down or asking for directions? I've been blacklisted in my area - there are posters saying Do Not ask This Woman for directions. Some of them that I helped in 2001 are still driving round - but I always give them a wave.

Robinia I wasn't a disco diva, a bit before that, a Rock and Roller. My haunts used to be the Ablber in the Wardwick where that arcade was or is now next to the library then I moved on to The Locarno in Babington Lane. That was the 'in' place.I'm still Rocking and Rolling occasionally but I don't throw myself about like I used to!! Not much energy nowadays. I was also an avid Elvis fan and I have all his hits on CD. But I like all sorts of music and some of the up to date stuff. One of my favourites of the mo is Katie Melua.

I like the idea of fellas in a cupboard. Holds a whole new meaning to something for the weekend!! Ohh did I really say that!!

Albert! my spelling is rubbish! :o)
Im 55 years 1 month 14 days and 18 hours and 49 minutes young Robinia.....who else is gonna own up....(:)
Before I admit to anything is there any special Title for the oldest in the Grotto? Cos I've got a feeling it could be me!!
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If I say the word Showaddywaddy will you throw things at me Jude? ;-) I know a lot of life-long rock & rollers didn't like them but one night we ended up in Bailey's when they were on. They weren't a group we'd have gone purposely to see but I have to say they were an amazing stage act - tv never did them justice. Despite not being huge rock & roll fans we were standing on the chairs by the end of the night and we did go to see them again.
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well I've just put 20 mins on you Vinny - or is it years...??

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