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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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I haven'.t got any spare balaclavas Robinia ..but my tip of the day is..never knit anything in eyelash wool because if you drop a stitch you are up the swanny.I am knitting a bolero for my niece and it is driving me to distraction !

Don't worry about banned questions Jude.I have had crossword answers banned !!

Jude, sorry if I seemed to ignore your question. Your contributions to this thread have been just great and you are one of the 'biddygang'. Please don't feel paranoid. I do read all the threads through and often feel guilty for not mentioning everybody or commenting on everybody's threads. We love you Jude xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Shaneystar, I knitted myself and lovely scarf in eyelash wood and dropped half a row of stiches. Because it was multicoloured I did all sorts of fiddles to get the stiches back and even sewed a few in - nevertheless, it still annoyed me and I know where the faults are.

You are extremely brave knitting a bolero in the stuff. Before I did my scarf I saw a wonderful pattern for a three quarter length jacket in the same wool, but now I have completely given up on the idea.

'eyelash wood'!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Gessoo and Shaney for cheering me up. I must be feeling a bit touchy with this ere 'bug'.

jude, viruses are notorius for affecting mood!! I find thsat a large glass of old and nasty mixed with milk and sugar and taken hot or some mulled wine are both warming and cheering (or render you unconscious and thus immune to insult)

anyway here's a hug (please breathe the other way)

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Hi Woofgang I'm trying all remedies offered thanks. My family don't want me anywhere near them. Even my Dad (91) rings up and asks me how I am then says "I don't want you round here with that!!" :o)

I know there are 'biddys' with more distressing illnesses than mine but I just can't stop feeling sorry for myself! Come on Jude get a grip!!!!!

hello Jude, you are most inoffensive, and what's more by being ill you qualify for permanent inclusion here... the young and fit, who needs them eh.

Thanks a lot Jno you are all really kind on here. I know I have quite a good social life when I'm well but there are still times when I feel the need for some conversation and even if it's just reading the posts I benefit from this thread! :o)

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Bless yer IAP . I wIll learn how to put piccies on one day!!! I'm saving that one.

..a very young and nimble netti puffs in......oooh those stairs hurt my knees. Cheer up Jude you are exactly one of us. We all have aches and pains at some time, and we all grouch about things, that's what we are here for. We care!!!!! xxxx
neti do cut down on the demonstrations of athleticism, you know it makes my head hurt.
Friday the 13th and how !!
I feel most depressed and feel the need to offload.Please bear with me.Mr.S and I have had a row today about the cleaning.Since he retired he seems to want to take over.I am frankly fed up with him dictating what is to be done and what not.Have you ever seen that advert for yellow pages where the woman comes downstairs with a basket full of washing and her husband sits there in his dressing gown flicking through the T.V programmes.Well..that's me !
I know I am not as agile as I used to be and am grateful to him for running errands and so on....but frankly I am bored to tears with being stuck at home with him all day.
He made me move back here to Norfolk and I hate it.All my friends are in London and I can't seem to make any friends here.O.K.I have my family here but they have their own lives to lead and I can't be on their lug all the time.I love them dearly and my brother will do anything for me but I can't keep worrying him with my problems.
The thing is I am a gregarious person and crave company which I can't seem to find here.It's no good telling me to join something..I have tried. The people here all seem so cliquey and narrow minded as I found when I joined the W.I.. Twice was enough.I did apply for a job at the library but the form you had to fill in to work 12 hours a week was so daunting I gave up.I have lots of hobbies but am even bored with them at the moment.I know I shouldn't moan,there are people far worse off than me and MR.S. is a good husband .I don't want for anything..but I feel so depressed.
Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Thanks all for listening.
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Cheers Neti. My sister has just called round and given me a great hug. So with that and all your hugs and kisses I'm beginning to feel better about myself.

Shaney What can I say. I've been going on and on and there you are feeling much worse than me. Can't you talk to your husband about how you are feeling? I'm afraid I'm not very good at giving advice but maybe when the better weather comes things may improve. Not much help am I but I am thinking about you. xxx

Shaneystar I know how you feel - we have our retirements coming up in a year or two and I'm not exactly delirious with joy at the thought. All I can suggest is to figure out what you want - a particular room set aside for your use, silence for an hour a day, help with cleaning the dishes, whatever. Keep it reasonable. Then sit down and talk it through. Sounds easy... no, I'm not expecting it to be easy here, either. It may be he's not conscious of what he's doing, just unconsciously continuing habits of command he'd got used to at the office... I think talking it through, as unemotionally as possible, might be the way for for him to see how it looks.

If this advice turns out disastrously wrong, you will let me know, won't you...

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Evening all, just needed a bit of cyber company after a day from hell ....If this makes anyone feel better this is how I look today eek
there, bet that makes you feel like Miss World compared to me.

shaneystar, I'm so sorry you feel so unhappy. Did Mr. S have a job where he was in charge? That's probably why he feels the need to take over seems a lot of men aren't very good at retirement. I know what you mean about not unloading on your family, as good as they are they have their own lives don't they? I moved from all my friends, albeit not that far, at a very young age to get married. I don't think I've ever really felt totally at home but in retrospect I see this has been an ok place to be.
I've forgotten how to deal with marriage rifts I'm afraid - been on my own a long time. Relationships have been lovely while they lasted but the last one pretty much took it for granted that I'd up sticks & go & live hundreds of miles away. Lots of family troubles since then have meant I made the right decision to stay put.
Not much help either am I but hopefully you'll feel a bit brighter when the days are longer. You can come in here & let rip anytime!

well done gessoo - you must feel great for doing that!!

Jude - you've never done anything to upset me - it's easy to take things personally especially when you're under the weather. We all have 'nobody loves me days'.

neti stop showin off - and if you really must do those cartwheels for heaven's sake tuck your skirt into your pants....

Hi,everybody.Been rushing around all day,I had to finnish of some work in this hotel(carpet cleaning..I work for myself)got home to have a nice bath,and the bloody medway gas heaters packed up,so been boiling water in all the saucepans, took fill the iron bath..phoned the gas guy and he said he was snowed under with work.whats the weather got to do with it??

Just read all the posts..blimey you lot..I think ive had it easy in not very good at expressing myself..but please cheer up shaney,its good you can get things of your chest with us biddysxx and jude anymore of that and your on lav duty next week..( the boss says so)Well done

Robinia,Sorry i fell asleep on duty.but netti didnt have to nick me clothes...(:)

here love to Smudge xx

I'm off to bed now. So goodnight:-

Jno, Neti, Robinia, Shaney, IAP, Gessoo, Woofgang, Dolly and Vinny. (Hope I haven't missed anybody)

Sweet Dreams

Jude x

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