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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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oh there is life in here...some interesting lighting on that site Kit but I don't quite see myself hanging this on the back of the kitchen door :o)
It's charlie who needs to heal, he's hobbling on the paw that was sore, now we're farther back than square one. Looks like we'll need professional help.

yes, it's another lovely pic VinVanSprout
Oh dear. That torch seems designed to go where the sun never shines! Sorry to hear about Charlie, I'm sure the vet will know what to do. You have a good one? (Vet.)
Well they're like doctors, some good, some bad. It's the fuss that charlie makes that's the hard part :o(
Oh... I know...
Well that's a very pretty lamp . I need one of those Sad boxes I think .Or a large drink :)
I've been round to see my aunt this afternoon ..haha..she said I looked pasty .Well you would when your brother says 2 o'clock and then turns up at 1'o'clock and rushes you round before you've time to put some slap on .

Oh what a shame to lose something like that Dolly .
I hope you find it ..perhaps someone has handed it in to one of the shops .
Have you tried Thornit for Charlies paw Robinia .?
I used it on a nasty ear that Shaney had once and it cleared it up pronto .You can also use it on wounds and any licky bits .Shaney used to nibble his feet sometimes .He had a lick granola once .He was a nervous nellie at times( probably because of being ill treated by those swine who dumped him ) and it healed it up a treat .
I must go and look at Vinny's picture ..toodlepip for now .
I've lost that art site with the pictures .I've got so many bloomin' things bookmarked all over the shop .Can some one give me the link please ?
thanks shaney I'll look for that

here's the drawings site

I got mine off Ebay Robina but you can get it on line . p?prod=OH-XX-CP
Thanks for the link .I shall go and browse Vinny van Wooly .
Possums, I come bearing gifs. Found an online image editor I enjoyed playing around with, and that's all it is, just play, so I am NOT expecting you to actually use these avatars I made for you (an avatar is something very personal I think) - I was just having fun and learning at the same time, that's all. Also, if ever we do get the opportunity to use avatars on here we don't know at this time what size will be allowed or what the kB limit will be, do we, so I just picked the random number of 100 pixels size-wise and I didn't even look at the kBs. Just for fun, here we go:

Shaney I
Shaney II

Woofy I (They are earrings made from the keys of a vintage typewriter, I found them here)
Woofy II (Didn't make that one, just found a nice gif and cropped it. Sorry it's a man's hand but you'll have to decide it's mr W's.)

Vinny I - wait for it. I made it from this mug
Vinny II - - again, wait for it.


jno I Didn't make this one, I just searched for chocolate fountains, knowing how much you loved your old rice cooker avatar;-)
jno II Another find. Don't know if you can see the animation properly, I remember you writing somewhere you don't see certain colours? but anyway it's all the countries of the world rolling past in her eye.

Dolly I I made that one...
Dolly II ...but found this one.

Jude I It's a phenakistoscope, I found it here
Jude II

Robinia I
Robinia II That one is in the PNG format, and here it is in JPEG as well; JPEG will lose some info every time you save it anew but it occupies less memory than PNG so you may be able to use the JPEG where you might not be allowed to use the PNG. (I haven't been able to provide format choices for the rest of yous, as animations have to be gifs.)

Neti I (Wait for it.)
Neti II
oh dear... I seem to be living on New York time again (yawn)... my body is obviously telling me to emigrate... watched the inauguration, first time I've even bothered... went to bed at a respectable hour, woke up at an unrespectable one... once a shift worker always a shift worker, I fear.

Thank you for the fountain, Kit, have you got one that gushes some sort of sleeping pills?
Blimey..what a week.
A black man takes over the white house...I still dont think coolio will win big brother..though hehe..!
thanks for the avatar kip.I did mention my waccy tablet on the draw site...its worst than my bloody mouse..!
hope everybodys okay.hardluck derby.Thanks for reminding me about the bridge,I still wear a mask when I drive over it...(:O)
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(a lump stirs under the discarded Christmas tree)
Good-whatever-time-it-is all
Things have been pretty busy at Woofgang towers lately....and anyone who gets up at 5 am to let dogs out for a pee (gallons, I am sure they pee more than they drink) is entitiled to nod off for a day or two.
Sorry to hear about Charlie's paw Robi....are you feeling better now?
I know what you mean about the parental home Shaney, we are still dealing with my Mums place and I still can't get over the bit when I walk in and its empty.
Kit I love the lamp and the Vinny story, paint on the road is a common sight round it Vinny on his hols?
Dolly have you pinned the Devil to find your brooch? Its an old Somerset custom, you get a pin and stick it into something soft like a pincushion saying 3 times "I pin the Devil here" The missing item will then be found.
Those coloured have to wonder, don't you
who buys the red ones?
I like their louis ghost chairs as well, they'd fit right in in my... erm... boudoir?

Woofy I swear my mother showed me that pin-the-Devil trick when I was a kid but I'd completely forgotten! Must ask my eldest sis if she remembers!

How come jno gets away scot free with staying up late, I don't see anybody dancing the tarantula on her lid!! ;-)
<oooops, throws towel over red lamps...ahem!>

I just love the avatars Kit! they're so clever. I've saved mine in case we ever get to use them again on here.
I think Dolly's has to be my favourite - the helicopter over Oz, hahahaha!

Chas' paw was very sore last night & bleeding this morning so we had to go see the vet nurse....They're not sure what's caused it so he's on the antibiotics for five days which means lots of yummy bread & butter for him to disguise them. I don't think he'll complain.

woofy thanks for asking if I was feeling better...well, erm, I'll just ask whether that stick pin malarkey works for lost marbles... and I don't mean the ones in a net bag...?

Is Jno up yet ?
Old habits die hard dear . My old dad was always up at about 4 in the morning regardless of what time he went to bed .Something to do with watches at sea where he spent much of his life .The problem was we didn't want to be woken up with a cup of tea at at 4 in the morning !!

Those avatars are brilliant Kit ..actually I did buy a handbag (whispers very very quietly ) the other day . I had some money for my birthday and I saw the ideal bag . They are all ideal according to Mr S until I get fed up with them :))
I have my eye on a nice purse at the moment .This is another thing I have a foible for .I can never find the right one .
I had the ideal purse several years ago bought for me actually by Mum in law until some swine stole my handbag .
Ooh poor Charlie .Hope the antibiotics clear it up .I expect he thinks it's doggie heaven ..bits of bread and butter .I used to have put Shaneys tabs in lumps of cheese or hotdog sausages ...or wrestle him to the ground and shove 'em down his gullet :)
oh, maybe that's it, Shaney, I was a sailor in a former life. Possibly in Kansas somewhere, judging by the time zones.

Anway, since you were all so kind as to ask, the kitchen is on hold again, as nothing more can be done until the worktop comes on Friday. It will be star galaxy black_galaxy/star_galaxy_500.jpg

only the flecks are more coppery in colour (they'd better be as copper lampshades have been bought to match them).

So it's probably microwave meals in the living room and washing dishes in the bath until Monday at least.

However I have just booked nearly two months away, woot! Much of this will be spent with NZ sister as Oz sister has divorced and moved to a smaller house which doesn't really have room. Plus some driving around California visiting the old Spanish missions and suchlike (no Disneyland please god). Roll on Feb!
No one does the tarantula on jno's lid Sweedie 'cos jno hasn't been the host since.... ooooh, lemmethink.... the carpet shop was it? I'm still pickin' the wooly bears out of me cardie.

A HANDBAG! did I hear right? Actually I've got one I bought a few months ago & haven't used yet(!)...the main reason being I carry everything but the kitchen sink around (all day as you will remember, well Kit will) & haven't been inclined to sort out my usual one. It's a bit out of character in style actually, red & probably tasteless but at the time it looked like a fun antidote to the mood du jour.

<I won't mention the silver necklace I accidently bought last week when I'd gone out for wild bird seed...I think it's a biddy thing....or is that shoplifting? I'll try that next week...

An unused handbag !
Tut and double Tut
Said in my best Lady Braknell tone
" Kit will remember" - dear lord I don't even remember we've ever been in a carpet shop! I seem to remember a handsome youth walking towards the camera in one of jno's photos but was that a whole thread...?? The only things I remember are those I write down on little yellow notes. Oh and of course Barnstaple bridge - didn't have to write that one down ha ha ha...

I found a site where you are encouraged to contribute your own aretha-hat-images so I made one, only to find out in preview mode that you have to register to post and I couldn't be bothered so I'll post it here instead: one giant hat, ha ha ha, I can't get over that hat! I was gonna make one with E.T. as well... Anyway, here's the page, if any of yous are feeling silly. I'm thinking Robinia could make a sequel to Brokevac Mountain, about Aretha's hat? Oh I miss Brokevac Mountain... tell it again, Robinia!

Elegant worktop, jno, I bet your house is out of this world, I bet your design guru son gets to buy stuff at a tenth of the price, I bet... I bet I'm envious...

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