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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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*image googles glory hole and posts the piccies in cb saying Robinia mentioned having one under her stairs*

Cold here too but at least it's getting lighter by the minute and that makes all the difference. Won't be long now before I'll be able to walk the streets in my pj's! Actually I did walk home in a bathrobe once, Vinny, ♩ ♫ does that make me crazeeh ♬ ♪♫ ("Not 'arf") but in my defense I lived more or less on the shore of the great lake V�ttern so it didn't feel like a big deal - at the time... I could come to Devon too if you'd like (with Robi and Jude) and walk around town in my bathrobe like Nilsson Schmilsson saying I know you...? And BTW while I'm hassling you: Is that ancient bridge in the gazette the one you painted with your tires? I'll never forget that, or "I'm a member of Appledore library", makes me smile every time :-)

I've ordered a cross stitch embroidery kit for a cushion; it will, when it's done, be a gift for my youngest half-sister's firstborn - except she isn't even pregnant yet, ha ha ha! Doesn't matter, I'm so slow anyway. I made a similar dog cushion, a Dalmatian, for my eldest half-sister's firstborn, so it seems right to do it again. But mostly it's because I couldn't resist him - can you?

You should get yourself a smaller helicopter, Dolly, because a)you could return the big one you bought the other day, and b)you and Shaney would do the biddies proud as you hover down the avenue, you with your helicopter hat and Shaney with her umbrella ditto - instructional video here
Loved The Montage Vinny I've put it in my favourites/

Had a good walk today Robi Me and my sister walked form here to Asda. Spent an hour there having a drink and a look round (didn't buy anything) then we walked back. The sun was shining and it wasn't too windy. How far do you reckon it is from the Bluey to Asda then Robi
Hi Everybody else hope you are all ok whatever the weather.

Not going out again tonight, my friend has let me down. So it's another night with the telly. It'll be Trial and Retribution part 2. Really gory it was last week

Off to ring my Tai Chi friend see yer later 'gater(s)
<don't ask jno about the kitchen.....don't ask jno about the kitchen.....>

Oh a cute Westie, my oldest son had two of those....Funny you should mention cross stitch Kit, a local charity shop had a window full of books yesterday including a William Morris designs....crikey my eyes would be crossed doing that. They must think we all need a hobby around here... And there'll be nowt as slovenly as bathrobes when we go to Biddyford, tut. We'll float around in our peignoirs like the laydeez wat we is....just don't forget to bring a vest.

How's the kitchen coming along jno?

hold on Jude, I'll just run up & back with me wheel measurerererer thingy...


230 miles

I cant stop ..I'm busy joining this society
The old boy on the left looks as if he's got a few bob ..............:))

How are you getting along with your kitchen Jno ?
Will I need to wear my hat or tiara when I visit ?
hard hat at the moment, Shaney

Cooker arrived after the builder went home so he'll install it on Monday; bench doesn't arrive till Friday. Might paint the bits in between during the week and tile them later. Washing machine is online at last but no sink until the bench goes in, so I'll just have to leave the dishes outside for foxes to lick clean. .jpg
Ah yes jno I recognise Oscar's work!!!!
<ghost-like apparition vaguely reminiscent of kit floats through the room in search of headache pill>

Haha....have you not got a dishwasher Jno ?
I mean to say you can't always rely on Mr Foxy .
Kit has a headache ? It's them tiaras ..they are far too heavy .
Would you like to borrow my hat ?It's very light and given a prevailing wind you will feel as if you are floating on air :)))
ooer, I could have sworn I'd been in here once today....?
Sorry 'bout the squeaking noise's my hips.

Don't go out in the wind tonight shaney it's going to be wild, you could end up in Wherdehellistan & we'll have to send WhirlyDollybird out to rescue you

No it was the new bridge kip if you flick through the pics you will see it.. what an honour jude...thankyou..dont mention ze speaking of which I was trying to draw gandhi,but he ended up looking like groucho marx hehe..!
hows yer kitchen coming on jno..!
(*_*) we got hale coming down ere and me lights keep going dim...goes of to serch for the candles >>>
Shaney you are too kind, offering me your umbrella hat just like that. Remember you've also promised I can have your aunt's pearl necklace. I'm trying to picture it now, the combination of the two, on me... erm... what can I say, 'cept yes yes yes yes no. (To the hat! I'll take the necklace! ;-)

Oh wow did that Liverpool Street Station thing happen the way it seems, i.e. the hired dancers got "real people" going? I mean, they can't have all been in on it... I rushed to RMD to see Groucho Marx - was it that bad you had to remove it, Vinny, couldn't you let him sit in front of the Taj Mahal you know like Lady Di ha ha ha...! But I guess he wouldn't do it anyway...
*flicks through the pics* Guessing it must have been this one then, oh yes - here he comes! Ha ha ha ha ha hahaaaahaha, I can't stop laughing, I can't stop laughing...! Please tell me your car is yellow, Vinny, please, please...
I must know! I must!
My lights went dim years ago Vinny :))

And Kit I now have five pearl necklaces .One for each day of the week ..hahaaa....
What is a girl to do ? I'll just have to buy more matching hats .
Bedtime with honey and lemon I think .
Nite Nite xxx
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?????What Liverpool Street Station thing?
Liverpool = the link's in Vinny's post above's brilliant, thanks for that sproutman....where's me toast?

morning folks!
I bet I know where they got the idea for Liverpool St from...

Grand Central Station...
oh dear, Tony Hart's died...gone to paint the moon & the stars.

can anyone help please?

.....<I'll send 'em to Vinny, he'll enjoy 500 hours of Corrie>

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