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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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I returned the loaf of course ,don't eat a lot of bread !!!
Eh? have I missed summat???

Up, Up Rise and Shine Biddies it's a lovely sunny and fresh day,
morning tout...sleep well did we?... <ducks>....hahaha, glad to see one size fits all Sweedie. Actually I didn't sleep well at all, I think I need a new bed too....or maybe a new sudoku book.

That's a shame about Patrick, I liked him, a very good looking man & a real gentleman too apparently. You were lucky to have met him neti. I did talk over my problems with a celebrity once, great listener but his advice was cr4p. He told me to get a new hobby, learn to play an instrument he said, get a dog.... join the magic circle .....

I'm glad you kept the helicopter Dolly, you're on a par with Postman Pat apparently.....bloomin heck, next thing you know they'll be giving Daddy Woodentop a quad bike...tut.

Gud Day..sheilas.!
Nice to ere from you Dolly.The weathers been allfull ere.15 foot drifts of white stuff..and thats just robinias dandruff..hehe..!snows coming sunday..even for tropical devon.that will kill off all our daffodils.and they look so sunny to.(:O)Ive got more work now than before the bloomin recession.My fave whiskey jno is glenfiddich(s?)catch you later...has they say in russia,I must rush-of-ski..!(:O)yo
Oh sigh, when a yo is finally heard it's one of the not-available-in-your-country-ones. Wish they'd at least state what the unavailable thing is, but they don't, they just promote some Swedish stand-up comedians instead - ha bloody ha. Sorry to hear you have to work so much Vinny, or... I suppose it's a good thing to have the opportunity to do so and the strength. Anyways what I'm really saying is it's good when you're here.

Listen possums, I've discovered I've been having (and probably still am) some trouble with several (!?) of my email addresses, including the one you folks use once in a blue moon. Right now I'm sending emails back and forth to myself (from one address to another) to determine what's going on, and the torture of it is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, sometimes I get those daemon messages and sometimes I don't, even though I should have. The problem, whatever it is, works in both directions (sending/receiving) and it's driving me frantic; I hate to think that somebody would write an email and think I'd received it when in fact I hadn't. Or perhaps I received it but they didn't receive my reply. I hate it! And I have no idea how far back in time it goes! And it's an unending task trying to assess in which way which ones of all my addresses are involved - I have about ten different email addresses...

Anyway, my message here is that I'd never ever ever not write back to any of yous, so please please please give me the benefit of the doubt and blame the yahoos, should it ever seem like I'm ignoring any of you.
well I'm apparently sending dirty emails from my real email addy but it's not me, I've been in touch with Yahoo but can't do all the pasting and copying and urling that they want, so am having to ignore it. You should not receive any as it's not the biddy email.
I sent you 57 e.mails...(:O)
That's what I thought, Vinster. Ain't it typical I didn't get a single one of those but I got all of Neti's dirty ones, like for instance this one (Really, Neti, you're so absent-minded!) I'm probably sending dirty ones to, I've received mail from myself but didn't open it so I dunno...
Yes I send them to myself, but don't open them.
I've just put Vinny's email address up in a public telephone box....that'll teach him to be a cheeky bufferer..

> > > > > > >
Robinia, you're here - I thought you'd been abducted...!

(LOL snails... whatever next...)
runs off to put Kit's email addy in cb

< < < < < <
Nobody ever answers my Emails .
I am persona non grata .
I am an anarchist and a troublemaker .Have nothing to do with me.I am the most dreadful person walking .I must never stick up for the underdog .I must accept that pedantic ********* rule .
I will lead you all into temptation and do naughty things like swear at bloody idiots who have nothing better to do than pick on people or take the **** out of them .
Here endeth the lesson .
Am with you on that one shaney!!
Well..then Barclays ate my debit card which meant a long involved telephone call to the bank .As if I need more telephonitis than I already have . But on a brighter note we ordered some ink for the printer which came today and we got a free gift .
They say laughter is the best medicine ( mind you that pedantic killjoy in Q&P wouldn't have a clue how to laugh )...but we had great fun trying on our free gift . I am now the proud owner of a hat umbrella in a very becoming shade of puce green . 08/02/hat-umbrella.jpg
We have cracked up here laughing !!
Chilly today!

My neighbour told me that there are several kids who climb onto my casita roof and enter her garden and mine. They have pulled all the tangerines off her tree and left them on the ground, and yesterday I was invaded by several, found two little 'uns playing in my empty pool and they said they were looking for their cat, so I shooed them off and then they turned up with two gyppo looking big youths, so I sent them off sharpish, but am slightly worried that they are looking to commit robberies. Will have to climb onto casita roof and put up a fence or something to deter them. (btw casita is a little house, slightly better built than a shed , it's my laundry room)
Weather today on the HOT side ,39C ! Too flipping hot for us so we shut all the doors and windows (to keep the hot air out) ,turned on the air-conditioning and the ceiling fans and sat and did nothing at all .Great ! Cooler tomorrow 31C . couldn't even be bothered going for a quick ride round in the helicopter ! haha .
I will be sending emails out to everyone with my new email address in next couple of days ,please let me know via Answerbank if you don't receive it ,thank you .
I am astonished at the severity of the weather in Devon and Dorset ,I thought of them as being beautiful all year round (weatherwise I mean). I dread to think of my poor daughter going to Prague for a week this Saturday but must admit she is more partial to Englands weather than Australias'.Bye for now ,time for a cuppa .Dolly xx
Good morning..!
Hi dolly.bloomin eck,gets hot where you are.
its a nice sunny calm day ere at the moment but its getting windy over the weekend with some snow maybe.yo but was bloody cold last week.Weve been about 8 to 9.0c the last few days which seems tropical compared to last week.or to derby (:O)
montage (*_*)
Theres some strange people live round these ways.One bloke every morning when im at superdrug walks up to the papershop with a mug of tea in his hand,and the pub up the road was still open at 6:45 this morning and a woman came out and walked home in her pyjamas..!you couldnt make it up.anyways I gotta answers thousands of e.mails...some bu66er stuck me e.mail addy in a bloody phonebox.catch you later dudes...
good morning trouble makers....

heck, I've got a yeti one side of me & a melting Dolly on t'other. Better throw a bucket of cold water over her....

....oops, missed & hit shaney instead...good thing she's wearing some protection, hehe. Very fetching mrs s...It's one way of stopping your tiara from going rusty & no one's gonna want to sit next to you on the bus.

Way too hot for me that is Dolly, how on earth did you cope during the 'flashing' years?
No Vinny, button your coat up, not that kinda flashing. (But reading about your local loonies it may well be the norm in Woolystaple....hahaha)

Must carry on with the grand de-cluttering. It's the cuboard under the stairs turn today if I can get down that far. I don't think we can call it a <whispers> glory hole anymore can we?.............. for pity's sake don't google it!!
I think my estuary is frozen too, Vinny... my oxbow's lost its twang...

gah... kitchens... don't ask. It's only been a week, after all, other people are huddling round candles for months.

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