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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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We all bloomin do..hehe..!(:O)
Hello Biddyfriends. I'm back. Hope you are all enjoying your Christmas. I have treated myself to a new Lap top and router so I am now sitting comfortably in my lounge. My son and his wife came for dinner and have now gone home so I've been familiarising myself with my new toy. I have reams of emails to read. I'm out tomorrow so I should be back properly by the weekend. Enjoy the rest of the holiday. Bye for now see yer later 'gater(s) xx
Well jno asked for it and she appreciates it!


Hi Jude! I always picture you sitting in the kitchen with the pretty wallpaper, white squares - you posted a photo of where you used to sit with your laptop, remember. Have fun with it!
Hi Kit I have a change of scene now can watch the box while I'm typing. Off to bed now I'm really tired see you soon x
aha, thanks for that, Kit. And a yule goat too, which sounds slightly influenced by the old scapegoat idea (you loaded responsibility for all your tribes' problems onto a goat's shoulders and then killed it).

Was having all your livestock's tails tied together ever a real problem, I wonder?
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my ex boss is Swedish. She retired the year before I did and gave us each a tomte for a christmas gift. He sits on the tree every year and keeps an eye on us....Question..someone on the farm is cruel to animals so the Tomte kills all the other animals or ties their tails together....does anyone else see a gap in the logic here????
LOL yes that one did make me scratch my head for a while there, Woofy, but if - as farmers do - you think of animals as your property rather than fellow beings, it makes... well, not sense, but a pattern will emerge: The farm tomte protected your property and if you antagonised him he destroyed your property. I suspect a farmer would use the tomte lore to make farm workers behave, rather than to make the animals any happier than they needed to be, if you see what I mean. And farm workers probably used the tomte right back at the farmer, tying tails or what have you together...

Did your boss talk like the Swedish chef, Woofy? I think I probably do, and, as icing on the cake (not), I can't make up my mind whether I'm speaking British English or American English or if I'm Lady Bellamy or Sarah. Oh, there's a new series starting tonight, Cranford. Must be good, Judi Dench is in it?

So, how you doing, Charlie dog. Has your mummy been able to walk you as much as you want or shall I send over an exercise video for you? No expensive treadmills required, hell no - all you need is a cat
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a bit swedish cheffy yes and with very idiosyncratic English, eg Superman wears a "mantle"....she couldn't understand why that made us laugh.
Arsonists dressed as Father Christmas and the Gingerbread Man attack a goat in sweden..!!!!!
goodness me,what sort of people are we dealing with here..(:O)
Damn you Woofy neither can I! I'm pretty sure I would have fallen into the same trap, as the Swedish word is "mantel" - but... but... isn't one of the meanings of "mantle" a... erm, dare I say it... a cloak? Tricky business, this speaking a foreign language - pretty much everything means something naughty according to Urban Dictionary. Did she also commit the classic Swenglish mistake of saying pricks when she ment dots, ha ha! "Our letter � is like an o but it has two pricks on it" ha ha ha ha...

Yup, we're a nation of arsonists, Vinny. Truth be told one of my best friends knows one... She (my friend) does charity work at a shelter for alcoholics, and she had been telling me several times that one of the guests seemed rather odd. And then, a while back, the notorious Daybreak Pyromaniac who's been eluding the police for ages was finally caught - and it turned out to be that guy! Some of the fires have been in Ystad so the police there have been on the telly a lot, but I didn't see Kenneth Branagh. Anyhoo, the police had to let him go again as there wasn't enough evidence to hold up in court though everyone knows it's him, and as he was released from custody he stopped on the steps outside the building, took out a cigarette and asked the journalists that surrounded him if any of them had a match...

BTW they've got a web cam on that goat now but the picture's frozen...
mantle does mean a cloak but it's a rather archaic word; you don't really hear it any more. Cloak or perhaps cape are more usual these days. So Brits are more likely to hear the word as 'mantel', which now means much the same as mantelpiece, and really you don't want to be wearing one of those

even with a nice fire in it on a cold day.
That's Woofy's boss to the right there!
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no she meant as in victorian cloak....I used to have visions of Superman done up in purple bombazine with Berlin Floss trimming!...and yes she did to the pricks thing but only once!!
one of me lenses has fallen out of my glasses.
all i can see is superman has flossed his prick....!(:O)
Afternoon Vincent and the Woofster and everyone else. Hrm, yes, that is the kind of mistake one would only make once... Somebody I worked with told me about a guy she knew whose zipper got stuck and it was kind of an emergency. I don't remember if this was at a hotel or at a restaurant but anyway he needed to go to the loo so badly his brain stood still and he couldn't think of the English words for "zipper" and "stuck" and in his total desperation he just opened the door again, caught the attention of a casual passer-by and tried some impromptu sign language, saying "Please can you help me?" while quickly moving his hand up and down over his fly. Bork-bork-bork! Swedes abroad!

It's not easy you know but at least we have our very own google search service - I'd be lost without it.

How's the Wacom tablet, Vinny?
jno jnr has flu (seems to be realflu not manflu), one of my crowns has fallen out and my dentist's away, and there's a whole Ikea kitchen sitting in the hall in boxes waiting to be assembled (not by me, a Man is going to do it). Plus I have to have blood tests. This is going to be one of those weeks, I can just tell.

Loved the Swedish Gloggle
Aww jno... you'll be okay... just don't go buying a DOGGA - the assembly bit is hellish.

We want more Swedish Christmas essays, I hear you say, and longer too...! (>>>>>>>) Let's see what we can do, chillun. Well, we only have the biggest Christmas tree in da world! ner ner ner ner ner ner...

one that levitates! (scroll down to 2008-12-19)

...and ...and that's about it, gotta run along now but when I return I want this room filled with people, you hear!

<more specifically robson green, ian hart, mick jagger, pierce brosnan if he swears not to sing...>
roflmao at jno... (well at who else, really...) ...but jno are you sure IKEA put a cat in that box? how sure...? (Schr�dinger's lolcat!)

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