Afternoon possums, sorry to have been absent but a friend and I have been involved in heated discussions regarding joint custody over George Clooney;-) (Anyone seen Fantastic Mr. Fox?) Anyway I've decided that I can have present day Clooney and Friend can have Young Master Clooney
Not to worry about your Ryanair flight jno, they'll probably just harness some erm black pepper or something and fly right through it. (You can't have seen the same documentaries I have...! Or perhaps they've cleaned up their act since, it's been a couple of years.)
We've had workhouses too, they were called 'poor houses'. I once had a look at old maps at the City Museum and it seems what is now a tiny park outside my window has over the years been home to lots of different institutions, more recently a hospital and its adjoining "corpse shacks" (morgue) which my elderly neighbour still remembers, and previous to that there's been some kind of orphanage for children of something-something, forgot what it said but some kind of euphemism possibly for prostitutes - or maybe just your everyday raped unfortunate or just generally unmarried, I don't know. I have this heightened awareness of the different layers of time and I often get the feeling that everything is present at once - the present-day coffee kiosk as well as the various institutions, as well as things to come. I don't "see" it, it's just... energies if you will, or at the very least an "awareness".
Good luck at the dental technician's Shaney. I'm picking my insoles up tomorrow. Anyone else need any spare parts picked up? Woofy get well!
Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp) ♥ Jude Metal Elbow... sounds like a match made in heaven to me!