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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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I'm so sorry to read about your sad news Vin. Lots of love, take care & have a safe journey.... we'll still be here when you get back. xxx

back later....

sorry to hear that, Vinny, best wishes and look forward to hearing from you again soon
Take care Vinny thinking about you love Jude x
So sorry to learn you've had such sad news Vinny. You'll be in London by now and may not read this but all my love anyroad; thinking of you/ Kip xx
Afternoon all - am trying out my new keyboard which I have finally gotten round to purchasing (I was scared as was very ignorant of all thing computer!) Well seems OK Mr N took me on a long trek around Ibiza, trying to get me a bus pass, but have to go back with my pension papers (whatever they are!) Did weekly shop and were going out to lunch but Mr N has been called out for an emergency leaking shower. Am orf for a swim and then a long air-conned siesta. See yas!!
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Hi all and a big hug to Vinny. Still wading through the sorting out but now have two! habitable bedrooms so Mr W and I can argue again (lol not really)
Hi dawgs and Pension Paper Neti, he he he! It seems we may safely assume by now that you don't have Legionnaire's Disease, thank god for that. And BTW this is hyperneti Can't imagine what it would be like to have to pop pills to slow me down ha ha ha ha ha... at least not when it comes to household work. I'd be moving backwards in time.

Coffee tomorrow with a new acquaintance - we struck up a conversation at the check-out in the grocery store, out of nowhere. Not sure yet if she's a genius or just plain mad but she was fun talking to and I find it difficult to make new friends at this age so I'll go for the coffee and if it turns out to be just a one-coffee-friendship well then I will at least have had... coffee!

Alles in Ordnung, Robinia? That lily was beautiful. Post Charlie another time though, I haven't got him saved anywhere and I'd like to.
Gutentag Freunde,
Ja danke, Kit, alles in Ordnung.... blood test results all ok, well all normal she said....since when have I been normal? So that means any problems I have are all back to I & the fibro...hey ho, carry on tottering. Just the mole to be checked out next month :o(
I know what you mean about moving backwards, it's taken me half a day to do some 'spring cleaning' (?!) which used to take about an hour. I'm a tad behind schedule, I'm never going to keep up with the Woofgangs at this rate.

The lily's called Memories btw, which is fitting after hearing Vinny's news.

You just had to sneak that in didn't you dottineti? (haha, love that pic). Pool...air con...siesta...


Kit are you back on line or are you still a net nomad?

I'm sort of back in cyber space Robinia but the computer's slow and several shortcuts have lost information and... well lots of other strange happenings... so something occurred, whatever it was. I'll have to have service on it... some other day... not today...

Did I post this one, I can't remember... I think I did but it's still in my "files", perhaps I put it there twice. <kit who the h*ll cares, just play the g*ddam song already and be done with it > Oh alright: good night ladies
Good night Ladies???? Whadda you mean? Arn't we going partying - I'm just getting readey to boogie! Oh booger it then, I'll go to bed.
Look at you, lazy lot!!! Up. Up Up I say. There's things to do and places to go to. Euromillions is 92 million today, get out there and win!! <<ooh I forgot you are an hour later than I, sorry, go back to sleep!>>
ok, ok, here I is naggineti...(I was up at 7.20)

Guten Morgen.....grrrr....Alles ist nicht in Ordnung, das Wetter ist Kacke....

haha, German is a good language to grumble in...It's dire out there, rain, dark, rain, cold, more rain but I saw Devon on the news & it looks really wild down there. Hope you're ok if you're back home Vin.

erm, very nice Kit ...bit ott for coffee though
you might want to lose the beads

Back again. after having coffee on seafront, very very hot and humid, bought my Euromillions ticket and have sorted out what I'm spending it on. Not much change left, (think I'll buy Primark - oh forgot I already did!!!)

Just had a lovely swim in the pool. Went to buy a foam saugage (for want of a better word) one floats with them under the armpit, so much more relaxing than a swim ring, but in June they were 1.50� now they are 3.50� - such greedy pigs they are over here, the shopkeepers. Twice in 2 weeks they've tried to shortchange me 10� each time, think I'm I tourist so imagine how much they are getting away with.

Rant over.
Advice please - is it possible to freeze cooking cream? My mother-in-law used to make a super dish with broken meringue and cream mixed up and frozen and served with hot raspberry sauce and I want to do it now that I've found meringue nests in the English shop here, but only have cooking (!) cream and don't want to waste all ingreds if it won't work.
could someone please tell the sweti one to shuttit!!
(just went upstairs for some warm socks, forgot what I was up there for so I went to the loo & made the bed)

what's cooking cream? is that the same as whipping cream? If so, then yes, you can freeze it...

go & ask in F&D neti & at some time in the future we can wallow in cream for a few weeks :o)
Listen robi I am far more jealous of your life than you are of mine!! On my first night in Eastbourne last Aug 13th I slept under a duvet and in bedsocks and I LOVED it. My fear of spiders is the only drawback in England.

Have been pondering why Kit says she cannot be on here as much as before and I think I've cracked it - she's either found a fella or she is inventing another game.
Robi I'm sure that I have many empty old posts but for the life of me I can get to them as My Profile isn't working. There's one in Technology from the other day. Will I save that - it's unanswered? tion620179.html

Here it is although it is still quite new. So save it if it's needed for later. I'll only forget all about it.
thanks mi dear - not surprised it wasn't answered, I haven't a clue what you're on about :o)....not as good as being smothered in cream tho' is it?

mmm, I think you could be right about Kit, maybe a game for biddies?

...Pick up Walking Stix

Ha ha you are so funny!! or

Postman's Knickers

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