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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Thanks jno.

what a brill site...Roll up for the biddys Magical Mystery Tour..step right this way....!!::::::::( :)



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Help please. Am trying to send a photo by email using tinypic or imageshack, but when it is received the whole page comes up. Once I've hosted it, do I press Control + c and once it's where I want it I press Control + v is that right??
Black belt in karate ! I wish ...some people have no sense of humour.There are some real ball breakers on her. I am avoiding all caetgorys now except Q&P,the chicken shack and Birdies.Or if anyone wants to know obscure facts about beekeeping or flint knapping.I got accused of being an imposter yesterday B.cheek.I shall send Shaney round to bite them !!
God knows Neti !! I think you have to select the link you want from tinypic then copy and paste it into your email.That's what I usually do. I'm no help am I .Better go back to flint knapping.

mmm... I see the biddies are wanted now ....neti can't you right click your photo & then send to mail recipient?

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Robinia yes that works well except I cannot send a message with it or can !?
yes neti - if, like me, you get an email box up with a message on it just type above whatever it says. (You can move it down with the return key).
hope that makes sense
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Back to your knitting biddies! I have managed to send the photo and an email. Feel rather like brandishing a sword and being rather buccaneerish, but better not. Don't even ask......................
I'll give ya knitting - it's like a chinese laundry here. My bloomers are flapping in the breeze .... shame they're not on the line ....and I've a pile of ironing to do. Don't want my clothes to match my skin.

Hi all another shift done. Not a bad day here really a bit of sunshine when I came out of work. Have read your bird thread Robinia. I'm not as enthusiastic as you but I do have a bird bath and table and do put out some scraps but don't 'bake' for them. Have blackbirds, spadgers, bluetits, and I have seen a wren and a robin on occasions over the years. We get a number of foxes go through the close during the mating season, they make an unholy noise 'talking' to each other, but interesting to watch.

I'm getting withdrawal symptons, was going out tonight but my friend had pulled her knee so isn't able to go out. She's resting up for Friday when we have been invited to a birthday party. Looking forward as usual!

Hope you are all feeling well. It was actually light when I went out this am at 6.30. Spring must be here soon, surely!

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shaney's not the only one with a black belt - here's mine


and by heck you need some Karate with that on!!!!

Down Vinny!!

Shrieks with laughter's what I wear with my black belt Neti !! 21_2.jpg

YeaH BaBy::::!!Name Austin Powers::Sex::yes Please:::!


very nice netti...!!:(:)

Jude. My social life is sadly lacking. Can I come and stay with you. I have just had my hair cut in a funky style with three colours!!! I won't cause you any embarrassment - promise.

Lol Gessoo You're welcome any time. I'll take you to all swinging places.(not swinging in today's language):o)

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Hen or chicken

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