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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 23:23 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
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Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Morning Biddys...lovely and sunny at the moment...I reckon were be sunbathing in a couple of weeks.Ooh its just gone cloudy...netti's bra must have blown of her's its blocking the sun...hehe...!!

This is fantastic...!! if you look at this closely,then look in the look 20 yrs younger...WoW....! morning yer teeth in yet...mind you...when you taste the milkmans cream it wont matter.... just suck it I dont mean that...wash your mouths out with carbolic soap...tut..tut...( :-)


Vinny !!! You are on a slippery slope !! I hope you haven't been at the Becks this early in the morning. the way the last time I had milk delivered he was like this and his cream was nice and fresh!! _photos_milkman_340x255.jpg
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Thank you shaney for printing something that I can finally see. Cannot ever pick up these clever things from Vinny.
Morning was very rude anyway !! You have to stare at this picture and all of a sudden a bare bottom appears.
Typical Vinny !!
I am beginning to think he is obsessed with muffins,Lions Poo,and ladies underwear !!

morning all - well I don't know about Vinny being on the Becks this morning but I think one or two round here have. Every shop I went into today there was someone who reeked of booze...ugh. Maybe they'd all been to the same party.

Lovely bright sunny day but still an icy cold wind.
oh grrrrr just spotted a cat digging in my bark .......bangs on window & swears like a trooper...

Vinny throw me some lion poo over please......

forgot to say - jno hope your dentist appt went ok & you're feeling better today.

Vinny I've put your name forward for guest bloggo - see dot's post (suggs)....think she might need a whiff of these smelling salts ......

thank you Robinia - seems to be yet another abscess. I've always had spots on my face, a couple of them turned into big abscesses that had to be operated on; and I imagine the frequent ones in my gums are a related problem. Anyway, I've got some antibiotics, which I had with my dinner last night, washed down with a glass of wine... until the penny dropped. What kind of twonk am I...

Nice day today, I've actually seen some daffs that aren't actually out but will be in a few days.

daffs (not my photo, of course)

Morning all ,how are you all ? Not long now for Spring is it ,we are now at the beginning of Autumn but it 's still quite warm ,my brother now as brown as a berry ! He loves the sun ,been getting out and about and enjoying himself . Shoed us lovely pictures of your snow but I only like to look at it !! ( The word is showed !) Keep your teeth as long as you can jno.

I went for a Colonoscopy and an Endoscopy today ,oh the joys of getting older ( I refuse to say old ).Looks to be ok ( I hope ) .Yes I think its getting time for you shorts and strapless tops to come out of mothballs ,I 'll start looking for a cardigan meanwhile . Vinny nearly blew me off my chair !!!!! that's all for now Bedtime again ,have a lovely day all of you .xxx

Love the Daffodils jno used to buy them all during the Spring when I lived over there .Too hot to grow them in Queensland !

I am just so very, very tired today that I am about to climb back into bed and pull the covers over my head!


See you soon.

oooh ouch jno - hope it clears up soon. Better stay away from the wine until you're better but I don't think an odd glass does much harm unless you have trouble with antibiotics does it?

ouch for you too Dolly.....not the best way to spend the day eh? I'll bet you're relieved that it's over though & a huge relief that there are no problems. Glad your brother is enjoying his stay & the warm weather.
The only daffodils I have in flower are the dwarf ones which have been dwarfed even more by the lack of warmth to draw them up. Taking a photo would probably mean lying face down on the ground & that's not a good idea for an achey biddy ...and the neighbours would think I'd been on the wincarnis again.

oh dear gessoo - have you been overdoing it? I paid yesterday for my jaunt on Saturday....the tiredness always hits me a couple of days later. Have a good rest.....
I wonder if a colonoscopy and an endoscopy might meet in the middle... have a good sleep, Dolly!

Ooh sounds like emergency ward 10 in here...nice to hear from you dolly..blimey just seen the weather forecast...and manchester's got some freak hot weather...its 32 in the shade....!!.Hope your teeths better today jno..some swine's put you up for writing the first blog.....!just seen on the news, there's a plague
of moths flying around Derby...apparently somebody opened there purse there on saturday....hehe....!(:-)

Yum, like the sound of the Finger buffet robinia.


Hello all. What a lovely day we've had over here Robinia. Clocks forward at the weekend - great - light nights are almost here at last.

Dolly I've had a couple of 'oscopies - not very pleasant but necessary sometimes. Hope everything is ok with you now.

What no skittles Vinny you'll be getting withdrawal (how do you spell that?) symptons, and I agree with Shaney I think you are obsessed especially with 'trumps' as they are known here.

Roll on the weekend haven't been anywhere entertaining since last Friday (friend still suffering with her leg). We were going to a quiz last Monday but she cried off. Going to a Charity concert here on Friday. My brother and his duo partner and a 5 piece band my niece plays the saxophone with are appearing. I'm looking forward as I don't get the chance to see them very often.

hi Jude - well it looked lovely today I agree but it's still about 10 degrees too cold for me. I'd forgotten about altering the clocks - yes it will be this light at 7 oclock next week.

finger buffet Vinny? - you obviously haven't seen the biddies round here.....

derbys buffet

not sure where they put it all, I wonder whether there was some kind of evolutionary thing during the war & they developed an extra stomach.

Well ..I have just had a lovely surprise.Sitting here all on my own,well ..Shaneys in (Mr S. away in Germany ,son not home tonight ) and the phone rang. We get a little local magazine once a month all about what's on etc and local doings ..and they have a crossword.So I filled it in and sent it off and I had a nice lady on the phone just now telling me I had won the prize of one of those juicer machines !

No Vinny ...down's for fruit not beer.!

Hi Jude by the way and Dolly !
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Congratulations shaney how nice to win something. The only thing I've ever won was 3 dozen eggs when I was 14, it was not appreciated I can tell you, but mum bought them off of me.
mmm, I got a bottle of The Macallan in the office Christmas raffle but of course had to give everyone a drink. (As usual I was on antibiotics at the time and couldn't have any myself.) I still have about a quarter of it left. Bet I could put it in shaney's juicer with some of neti's eggs and come up with something nice... Scotch eggs maybe?
Jno ...pleeeease don't mention whisky or scotch eggs.You know I'm on a diet !!
You can all have a healthy smoothie instead ! And Vinny!

I can't put a picture...Google won't load for me this evening for some reason .It keeps going all haywire.

I send all these crosswords in religiously every week.
so am chuffed to have won something .

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