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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 23:23 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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what no wife Jude??!
neti - I saw him before you get back.

shaney & Vinny might have been out there <<<< but I haven't had time to amble round much today. I've just popped into the chicked shed for my tea & dinner breaks.....I've been in better cafes.

No wife Robinia. He was married a long time ago but not for very long and they didn't have any children.
Vinny's probably off for another... er... <counts fingers... takes off slippers, counts toes...> twelvesome with Dave Dee Dozy Bleachy Mick & Tich... (Imagine some poor groupie's surprise: 'Bleachy??? I thought you said Beaky!') As for shaney...

lol jno .....

kicks jukebox......they call me mellow yellow......

I never know whether they sing twice nightly or quite rightly after that Robinia!

Didn't go to Quiz - friend not well again.

Off now Robinia Goodnight!!

oops just missed you Jude - night.

....still no Vinny ...? blonde with the wind....hehe

Morning all. Just going to do some work and then off for a walk with my friend.

Just thought I would share these photos of my little dog Meg with you, taken at Burnham Overy Staithe and Holkham Beach last week. She is just so tiny - only weighs 4.5kg and is the runt of the litter, but I have never had a dog with so much energy!!!

jno - any more photos?

Vinny - come back at once!!!!

See you later. xxx

Morning Gessoo lovely pics and lovely little dog.

Don't know what's happened to Vinny - hope he's ok

I'm off to me sister's in a bit it's her son's 18 nirthday today so I'm taking him his present up.She lives in Spondon not far from here.

Hope everybody else is ok. It's still b****y freezing over here. :o)

nirthday!!! birthday!!!

Morning all - cold and draughty here again.
Still one or two peeps missing I see....I'm sure Dolly is busy with having her brother to stay but wondering why the others are so quiet? Maybe they've got a wooden horse in the yard and are tunnelling out....
.....nightmarish vision of neti with skirt tucked into bloomers stuck on a vaulting box.....

Question Author

Good morning each and every biddy male or female -chilly here today. Spring? I don't think so.

gessoo - hope you are feeling better. Did you ever receive those laundry balls? Are they any good and how do you use them?

toothache again! Another emergency appointment tonight... Maybe I should have them all pulled and get the butler to do my chewing for me. BAH.
sorry, should also have said hello everybody but am too wrapped up in self-pity to think straight at the moment.


Hope all went well at the dentist.

Had a really lovely long walk today. It snowed!!!!


appointment not till after 8 - lucky to get in at all, I suppose. Still snowing?? Isn't it supposed to be the equinox today? Spring and all that? Gee whiz.

Evening Biddys....dont think you can get rid of me that easy.....hehe...!!I was walking in a field saturday night.when a giant spaceship the same shape as a becks bier can...was hovering above me ,when all of a sudden these doors opened and I was sucked in to the craft and force fed becks bier...and they've only just set me free...the swines...!!Okay I made that up..!!went over to biddyford sunday to stay with me nephew. his sis came down from london...and had a bit of a party and drunk loads of homemade head's still spinning..and now ive got to hit the Becks tonight..(skittles)hope everybodys fine...lovely pics of your dog that beach..!i felt a shiver go up me back sunday night...I thought to me self...that robinia's taking the mick out of enough..hehe..!

always take a biddys advice...( :)


Important anouncement

skittles has been cancelled....doh...!! um..think are pop around the topics...must be somebody I can annoy hehe...( :-)

evening Vinny - glad you're back with us....oooh think you need some cold tea bags on those eyes.....there you go, these have been in shaney's mug so they've been flavoured with whiskey.

I only popped in to see whether there was a spare hairnet lying around but you've just reminded me I need to leave a note for the milkman for the extra gold top please......


Morning all...still a bit parky although sunny at the moment. I suppose the warmer weather will turn up when least expected and we will be in a tizz trying to find a suitable crimplene frock to wear. .
Don't all faint away as I am up so early. Hope all are well aches,pains and teeth permitting.
Whisky Robinia ! I wish ! Not a drop has passed my lips since I have been on this boring diet.
Well I had better go and put my teeth in..mustn~t frighten the postman again.
Have a good day all xx

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