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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 23:23 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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You're not on your own Shaney Google's not working for me either!
I thought it was me Jude .I keep logging in and out to no avail.
One minute it's O.K and then it sticks . Then it's blank ..bit like me..!!

I've been trying instead Shaney. In between watching Taggart.:o)

Good idea. The web pages seem to be loading O.K now but Images won't load. Never mind eh !
I shall go and do something constructive clear up ,have a bath and go to bed. Goodnight Jude x
Goodnight Shaney
I've also been degoogled. Can't get on to and a few other sites as well. Relieved to hear it's not my screen that's the problem - it obviously affects biddies everywhere. Wonder if young people have also been hit.

Got up (with difficulty) at 5.30pm. Did a couple of hours work, ate my tea, cleared up some dishes, sat in the armchair and am now going back to bed!!

Night Night again!!!

Night Gessoo!
Hi Jno the ads are on! I bet the youngsters are on their chatlines!!

maybe they're the ones clogging up the internet Jude?

gessoo are you going to be forced to stay up an extra hour when the clocks go forward? That would be a bit hard on an ailing biddy! I'm already worried about the extra light fading my gold tooth.

Night Night Gessoo ..hope you feel better tommorow .
Goodnight Jno and Jude once again.I still can't get into Google so am giving up and finally going to bed !
It's Vinny's fault.......he's been Googling to many piccies of Becks and bare bottoms.
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No problem over here with google . ooops sorry jno I'm not allowed to comment he he.
oh for pete's sake it is 0019 (real time, not AB) and there's been a helicopter whirring loudly overhead for the last 20 minutes. They better be catching some seriously major criminal is all I can say.

Morning Biddies

lovely sunny day,Im of to work fer a few its safe for you to come out...hehe...(:)

jno...Ive found the culprit....catch you later bidds...( :-)


morning all - lovely sunny day but still cold - bird baths were frozen solid.

Well done shaney! Lovely when you win a prize.
Back in the 70's I won a food hamper worth 10 whole pounds (a fair amount then) on my we were a young family it came in very handy. Jude may remember that there used to be a spot the ball comp in our local paper with a cash prize & consolation prizes of hampers. However, the cash prize that week was �1300 & I'd have felt like a millionaire if I'd won that!

where's woofgang? - Haven't spotted her out there
<<< either....... hope you're not still poorly woofy

ooooh it's my turn for a lovely surprise! Just had a heart shaped box of champagne truffles delivered from FORTNUM & MASON!!! crikey - I wish I'd worn me tiara to answer the door......They're from my granddaughters & the note says the'll be round on Sunday to help me eat them.....will they last that long I wonder? :-)

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Morning each! Lovely spring day here today, actually left off the sweaters and wore and t-shirt and denim jacket. Did a big shop at the supermarket and on leaving I dropped a bag, several men rushed up to help me, wow I thought, I must still be jolly attractive, love all the attention. Then one said that little old women should have someone to help them. Not best pleased!!!!!

lol Vinny, that's her all right! If I can just stop her going round my house at night...

Hi everybody. Feeling much better again today. Have been out walking and to Fakenham Market. Washing all blowing on the line (first time since the autumn). Very cold but lovely and sunny. Have been sitting in our conservatory and its really hot in there today.

Love to you all. See you soon.

Oooh ! Chuck me a choc Robinia !
Hi Gessoo,glad you are feeling better. It's been lovely here today .Bright and sunny ..we just need to get rid of this cold east wind .
Hope you are all well and no toothaches ! I've got a twinger at the back ..but shall hang on to it as long as possible.
see you all later ..just of to juice some celery !

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Hen or chicken

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