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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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yoo hoo, here I am .........phew, t'aint easy riding this bone shaker in a tornado ya know.....actually it's a luvverly day - at the moment.....

Oh bloomin heck Vinny now the whole world knows who I really am, how will I ever be able to buy cakes in peace?.....and have you seen what you've done in B&S?....don't look neti......
all over the place they are!!!

(could do with a hunky pooter man myself btw neti mine's taking about 10 mins to crank up when I first switch on)

right, I'd better go & order us all some heavy duty colanders to don next Wednesday when jno takes to the skies......there may be some low flying teeth about.....

tush, nobody will even notice me jpg
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Oh no....! jno's been up for a practice run...
hehe (:o)
hahaha lol Vinny - better make it a complete suit of armour then.....not sure how I'll ride my bike tho'

unless I upgrade

Hi everyone Hope you are all ok. Couldn't resist Birds had to have a blackcurrant cream - first one since I can't remember when!!Loverly!!
Off out tonight to our usual haunt - somebody called Lee Jones, what's the betting it's backing tapes. Haven't had a jive for about a fortnight so hope he plays some for us.
RobiniaI cut my grass today, and I have a question for you I need to put some grass seed on the bare patches when is the best time please?
I've had some laughs at your posts today, I must have another go at sending some piccies, probably tomorrow when I have more time and have thought what to send, because as you know my imagination isn't as 'imaginative' as you of all.
Have a good night see you later :o)
Hi Jude (hoping my grass will be done tomorrow) is fine to do a bit of lawn repair. Just scratch the surface with a rake & sprinkle on some seed (not too thickly). Then stand guard over it & shoo the birds away from daybreak to dusk until it! You'll just have to go gently when you mow, try & leave it at least 2 weeks after seeding - and not too short at this time of year.

Have a good time tonight & keep the noise down at turning out time.....
thank you
Thanks Robinia for gardening advice. I'll tip toe in tonight. I've forgotten where we are is it and Art Gallery or somewhere :o) Catch yer later maybe !!
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Scarecrow jude...
ooh arh (:o)
OOoooo is this where you've all been hiding? Gotcha! ;-)
Hiya Boo Long time no see How yer doin'
I've just got in from a night out. I'm p****** I think. Just having my Horlicks.You didn't know I was a Biddy did yer?!! Actually I'm 66 on Tuesday Weyhey!!!! It's taken me 10 minutes to get this right would you believe.......!!!!?????!!!!! Goodnight All you Bidfdys everywhere!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wot are Bidfdys I wonder I think I meant Biddies yeh
Goodnight and God Bless !
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Tip-toes in...dont wanna wake everybody up..just coz I gotta go to work...oh bu**er it.MORNING...hehe..! oooh naughty stop out....and pi**ed wait later on. ooh hiya Boo,our door is always open...if not the keys is under them becks bottles..! did you knows poo's a number 2s....erm...I mean I saw a boo2....around last night .(:o)
right im orf to zuperdrug.......want any aspirins jude>>>>>>>
It's dangerous out there, B00, Biddies have to have somewhere safe to hide. Don't tell anyone.
lol jno, I noticed that this has become a cosy den- must say though not sure I'm keen on Robinia's leopard print framed piccy of Elvis, looks a bit tacky if you ask me ;-)

How's your head Jude?

Work Vinny? On a Saturday? Urgh!!! and eh to the Boo2 comment?
a'noon all ....... aye up BOO mi'duck what are you doing loitering around this fusty ole place? mind you, it's an improvement on the last biddyhome in the dungeon.....I think Vinny was trying to tell you in his hanging over state that you'd had an imposterer.

now then, anyone need their palm read? I'm having a spooky day again.... I was looking for a video on YouTube & couldn't find anything - not much call for Ronnie Ronalde on there - and 10 mins later they played it on the radio!!

gazes in crystal ball.....what's this about a handbag....? neti have you been walloping the primark shop assistants with it again?......or, maybe shaney's been smuggling cheese in hers......noooo, Vinny I don't care how butch it is , you'll never carry it off
Well hello me old hearties!!! How ya doing. Glad to see BOO has joined us. Am having a lovely time with hubby and daughter both away. No sign of George so am getting fed up now, it's all this ma�ana nonsense.

Robinia you will never guess, but daughter has honestly actually bought a pair of leopard -skin leggings - yes I was gobsmacked - seem to be fashionable over here.

Boy we have had some tremendous storms here this week, all my electricty keeps tripping out and I have to drive to my friend's house and collect her hubby as I hate fuse boxes and he clicks the swtiches up and then I take him home again. Still cannot see Vinny's vids but can see Robi's spiders yukkkkk
your daughter bought them neti? yeah, right......

sound of hysterical laughter

LOUD THWACK as neti cyber swipes that Robinia I've put up with all sorts of bad things from daughter but that takes the biscuit, and I am SO ashamed.

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