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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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oh, I saw that film - big car chase scene - Austin 7s at 15mph, very exciting.
Evening all - what a night I had last night - been in bed all day - just spent an hour watching Ultimate Manilow - oh he's a dream - I'm sure I could straighten him out!!! Gosh it's still so hot and humid here, am off to bedroom again with the air con. See ya tomorrow love sweti
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Morning Biddys..
looks like another nice day.....that blooming owl was at it again last it the mating season?netti would like to straighten manilow out...oh... didnt realize..!has george arrived yet?bet george gets to sleep in the air-con bedroom...where's the old man gonna sleep netti...hehe..!Tried finding that song for you robinia...more chance of finding cheese on the moon..!or a cream puff at birds after jude's been in there...haha..! um...methinks its time for gessoo to return...
yo gessoo (:o)
ps you could have told me that film was boring..tut tut jno..haha.!( i pressed other for that "where are they thread"
morning peeps - lovely sunny day - they mumbled something about 80 degrees on the radio!....bad news is storms later.....hi neti you sort Baz out & I'll keep working on George (Michael not the vac).....

Vinny I fell asleep after Dalziel & missed the start of the film so I went to bed, put on the radio & that Murray Head song was just starting - again!! Maybe the earlier presenter had left it there but still think it was surprising....and then spookier, I dreamt about a big heavy door that I couldn't lock....quote from my horo by J.C. this morning "Before you lies a door which would appear to be unlocked..........." eek!
(that's jonathan cainer btw - not 'him' ^ ^ ^)

last week I told Cetti that I felt her house which had been on the market for months would be sold very soon....they had an offer STC that very day......I'm scaring myself now.....

Robinia Good morning. I'm having second thoughts re Baz, as I don't know where he's been - so am sticking to my George - whenever he gets here!!!
Robinia can you foresee when George will get here?????
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Wow...thats weird robinia...I hope cetti knows you charge 10%..hehe...!.somebody called me an angel the other day...helped her upstairs with her pram where i was carpet cleaning...when i got home, turned the TV on...and the first word i heard was my stars..and it said I had an angel watching over me...weird.. things always seem to happen in 3s with me...!
yep it looks like were in fer a few days of rain....
I do hope you dream about me winning the lotto...oh...and the numbers would come in handy to...!....hahaha...if I win,are buy birds for you...and get george to come round and cut yer hehe..(:o)
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Morning netti...didnt see you there...wat yer slow at typing...(:o)
Vinny I'm getting a little man in this week to sort out my computer as I can never see your funny vids and things, so what are you using that I can't see so I can tell him. My daughter says it's something called Flash, I am ignorant of all this.

Robinia I have been taken off the Enalapril as it gave me a nasty cough, am now on Aprovel (or I will be tomorrow) Have you heard of it??
afternoon, will be typing slow as I've been for some blood tests & she took an armful hehe.....

neti not heard of those sorry but I hope you get along with them ok, we can't have you blowing a gasket! I don't have to worry about where George M's been, it tells me in the papers every week.......oh & never say the word Flash to Vinny I've a sinking feeling he just might....

Vinny are ya sure it's not the Sooopadrug security guard watching over you? hahaha......

ok, form an orderly queue, Madame Robbie will be with you when she's had a medicinal brandy....please have huge amounts of cash ready.......

gotta problem with this one
WWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm back and I've read every post since I went. Aren't I a good girl! Glad to see you're all still on form with the piccies and the vids etc. and that you thought about me. (That meant a lot.) I've had a great week of total relaxation. Sun,(in the 90s) sea air, fine Greek food, no cooking, cleaning, men. We were in a place call Acharavi on the North Coast of Corfu, very pleasant. I'm just finishing the last little bit of washing I have, (down to earth with a bump) and then I'm off round to my son's for a cuppa and pay my dues. While I've been away he's seen to getting my car serviced for me. As I was flying in my 'gardener' was flying out, I think he's off to see Dolly but little does he know she's over here!!!! (He really was flying out too). See you all tomorrow later on, it's Tai Chi in the a.m.and I must go out and stock up on food. Bye for now x
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Wellcome back jude pssst...robinia...jude thinks her gardener has flown out of the better let him out of your shed pronto hehe..(:o)
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Hiya netti, you need a flash player(adobe)
oh sugar...just remembered you cant see it.
its adobe flash player it...!..(:o)
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erm...netti...why is your putta man little?? is your front door small.."Ole!"..(:o)
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Just got yer Holiday photo jude...
hehe (:o)
glad you covered up, Jude! Never know what funny old ABers you might bump into!

Morning - welcome back Jude, glad you enjoyed the break, where's me pressie?.....a tea towel? oh, right thanks....tut....I was thinking more along the lines of a bronzed Adonis

wow, what a storm we had last night!! the old 'uns have been calling the local radio to say they'd never seen anything like it.....I don't think I had. There was mention of a mini tornado but apparently it wasn't. Lightning was incredible, like strobe lights.

...better get to ye olde cake shoppe before Jude makes up for lost time.....

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Morning folks...
Thanks for my pressie jude.....erm..if you think im wearing then to skittles again...hehe..!
you've had rain robinia...they promised us rain and its blooming sunny again..doh..! have to go down wooly now..(:-)
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since I tried them on...I cant spell...ha ha..(:o)
try as hard as you like Vinny but you'll never convince us that Jude bought them for you......I'm sure it's all harmless fun - best not wear them when you're working tho'...... ;o)

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