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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Here you are Biddy Babes

Had to keep them over night just to make sure they were all in working order!! Take your pick!
On second thoughts they're a bit young aren't they!!!!

This one's mine
Even he's too young, bloody 'ell, I get worse don't I?!!
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Where's mine then....! (:o)
Hi Vinny Wondered when you were going to pipe up

Here's yours
Ooops I'll try again probably that's been censored!!!!
Sorry Vinny dont know what is happening I'll have one more go then I must go and get ready to go out.

My last try
B****r it and botheration I've had enough you'll just have to use your imagination Vinny Sorry!! :o)
I see why they say cor, phew, Jude
well it's sunny and rainy. My old, expired passport's been returned with its ears cut off but the new one hasn't arrived yet. The insurance company is still waiting for proof of my ownership of my camera before they'll send me a new one. My foot has got gout (other foot from last time, as I do like a bit of variety), so I have cancelled appointments at the osteopath and the dentist for the time being.

Somehow I don't feel like this today. Not so much biddy as saddy.
Hi JnoI'll join you. I have a sore roof of my mouth had to have minor op this a.m. at the hospital. My friend came with me and waited for me bless her. She insisted! I've decided I'm not going to work tomorrow and I might not go Friday.
The weather is lovely here at the mo but I think it's forecast rain later.
Nothing much to tell you just get well soon and hello all you Biddies out there hope you are all ok.
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)o:(..niaga sdrib taht s'erehw dnA.pleh dluow smip a spahrep,noos retteb leef uoy epoh..onj rooP.niaga ecin tuo denrut,syddib gninrom dooG

Good morning biddys,turned out nice again.Poor jno..hope you feel better soon,perhaps a pims would help.And where's that birds again..(:o) just practising typeing backwards...hehe..!
I'm having another go Vinny

Here she is
Well Vinny perhaps you can tell me where I'm going wrong. I entered the link exactly as I have done before and it keeps coming up unavailable. What do you reckon is happening, hheeelllllp!!!?!!?""" :o(
I see her Jude... the hussy... fluttering her hankies in front of poor Vinny like that... Jude, somehow the link is incorporating an AnswerBank URL, you have to delete it and the rest is ok

My new biometric passport has arrived... it has a computer chip attached to one page, which is then encased in solid plastic... allegedly it only contains the same details as are written down, but I'll bet it also contains my voting records for the last 40 years and a selection of my most inflammatory AB posts for immigration officers of the world to read...
aye up mi ducks - move over jno I've got my sick note too....had a massive migraine since yesterday, sparked off by the storm the night before. So annoying as it's been a beautiful day.

sorry I can't see your pics Jude - hope you're recovering from your ordeal - you'll have to just eat the custard & not the pastry til it's healed...local news is a bit grim eh? how awful for those girls.

?ynniV samx rof sdrawkcab gniklaw uoy era

love the passport photo jno but you're going to have to do it again,
you know you shouldn't be smiling
Hi Jno How do I delete it? You know how thick I am when it comes to computers. Can you see the other ones further up the page?
Jude, when you click on the link you get taken to a blankish AB page with the following in the address bar: <br%20/> 169.jpg

delete the bit up to the second http and click on enter again.

Robinia, I took great care not to smile when having my photo taken. The result is kinda thin-lipped but I don't look actually criminal as in most of my photos. Just as well they forbid you to have an open mouth as my front cap has just come out again after a fleeting encounter with dinner. This was what I was going to the dentist for at the weekend only now I'm not because of the gout... I am however going to audiology at the hospital to get a new hearing aid.

I'm starting to wonder if there's actually any of the original me left or if I should apply for work as one of the AB robots
Morning all and thanks Jno I can see them all now. Did you have to delete like you told me or does it come up alright on your computer. Vinny did you manage t o see the Greek Beauties I sent you?
Fetched my photos back today of my holiday. Nothing to shout about so I'm quite pleased I'm not into digital photography. In fact I'm rubbish at photography and computers! :o)
Not made it into Birds yet, beginning to get withdrawal symptons. Wont be this weekend either as I'm going with my daughter-in-law -to -be to look for a wedding dress.The wedding isn't until next year but you know how they like to get organised about these things. The wedding is booked at Horsley Lodge which is a Golf Club in Derbyshire. I might even threat myself to a night there! Off to my sisters is a bit so see you later:o)

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