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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
559 Answers
I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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Here I am checking on me guests - shall I let them in (or is it out????) dy.jpg
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flippin heck neti who needs a guard dog?.....ducks....

morning/afternoon all - hope you're all well, I've got a huge headache again ....serves me right for congratulating myself yesterday on how I hadn't been so pain free for over 12 months....grrrrr.

Vinny how you doing down there? keeping busy ?and who let you out & about so early? ....ewww your turn to do the lavs eh? ne'er mind sending you down a flask of tea....with a little something in it.....

Hello all my biddy buddiesHope you are all ok. Sorry to here about your 'heads' Robinia get well soon. Ive finished work for the day and came home to have a stand up argument with the tarmac layers outside my house. It has been going on since Feb. They retarmacced my path and ever since I've had a puddle when it rained. and they are trying to tell me there is nothing they can do so I sent for the 'big white chief' and they have done something so we shall now see when it rains again whether it has worked. Sorry but I just had to get that off my chest! (No comments thankyou Vinny)
Going to try and read some more of A crack in Forever now in the garden. See you later.:o)
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hiya Jude don't think some of them know what a good surface is these days...when our road was resurfaced all they did was move the huge dip where a puddle formed outside next door but one to outside mine & my neighbours....the only difference is now it makes a lake instead of a puddle. I'm thinking of adding a few palm trees in pots & making a feature of it!
Well that's me done for another day. Not many of us in were there. Hope you all had a good day. See you tomorrow all. Goodnight All
evening Jude.... peeks in, peeks out again... looks like nice weather for the next few days, must get out me factor 167.
well, of course, there's my root canal treatment tomorrow morning, but I'm trying to forget that. Sigh...
Hi all ..just popped in to say I hope you have all had a good day ..been quite nice here ..warm and sunny out tomorrow afternoon to take our aunt to a place called "The Eels Foot" on the broads for a cream tea.Yummy.!
Having annoyed knowalls about about composting I shall away to me bed with me Ovaltine and book.!
P.S. Tomorrow is my first no smoking day ..I have five fags left and I have got replacement stuff from the doctor....lozenges .
I have to do it sons promised me folding money if I can crack it this time wish me luck ..I shall report back .xx
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I shall try it out ED.(:-)
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