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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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Hi Jude..... hang on the pnone's'll be radio Derby calling me back, I told them I had a big scoop for their news bulletin......

right they say they're sending their photographer round so get your slap on!

well what did you expect from them, David Bailey?

Sitting here eating my chs on tst & penguins (choc variety hehe, I'm a twit but not an inuit) so no, I haven't been to birds. actually prefer sains custards.....& they're cheaper!

phew, good job I previewed, nearly posted all bold....I'd have ended up down there v v v with Vinny......
Hi Again Robinia I love Sainsburys custards too. I get 10% discount as well. If you go to the Sainsburys I think you are likely to go to you could probably suss out who I am!! That depends what time and day you go on!
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sigh..... humour &/or irony is just wasted with some people isn't it? - no one in this thread I hasten to add, you all humour me very politely ;o)

well Jude I'm not in there at 6am! if I hitch a ride with my friend it can be any weekday late am/early pm & with my sister usually a sat.
Oooh.. I love a custard.Is that the egg custard ones ?
When we lived in Wombleland there used to be a baker there and they had ones made with sort of custard cream ...they were to die for !
Morning Biddys everywhere ..bright and sunny again on a curtain washing mission today !
Morning Biddys...
went to saunton sands yesterday till 6...sunbathed in a Dune high up...lovely views across the sands...there was a gentle breeze...and the sound of the sea rolling in...just perfick..(has they say down here)starts singing.......if you like sand dunes and salty air dum da da da..♫♫♫♫
Hope yer all keeping that blooming ED back yet??
Robinia...your bound to suss jude out in sainsburys...she will be the one wearing a badge..."me gardener trims me bush" He He...(:-).
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morning all - yes shaney I do mean the egg ones with the bobbles all round, which to this day I still sometimes pick off as I did when I was little....charlie enjoys them but don't tell that lot in A&N or they'll be wagging their fingers at me......mmm, washing ......oh heck I've left sommink in soak, there'll be no colour left in it.....

Vinny erm, how come you're managing to sneak out on day trips? Have you put a motor on that rock pick? took him nearly 20 yrs in sister goes every few yrs to saunton for a weeks hol, think they're coming later this yr actually......

& you'll be in deep doodoo when Jude gets in....
afternoon each and everyone - neti logging in but not for long. Have so many visitors around at present, Patmacs is over and she's still trying to work out how to join so I give up!!!! There's no air con in the computer room so really cannot be in here for too long. It's a particularly hot and sticky summer, roll on August and Eastbourne!!!! I'm getting like jude now, all galivanting and late nights, can't be doing with it. Want to stay at home and loll. What did happen to gessoo, why did she roll up the conservatory and stash it away???
Afternoon all Just got in from work. No staff as usual and I had to go on a till for a while and I served an ignorant man who wasn't happy at being kept waiting. I would have apologised but he was so rude when I offered to pack I didn't speak to him again until the very end when I said in a very controlled but a decibel higher voice than usual 'Thankyou'.
Vinny much to my disappointment my gardener is 4 years younger that my eldest son. So I think that puts it all in perspective he he!! :o)
Hiya Neti I'm going to see the guy who does a 'Maniloon' tribute on Friday night He does lots of other stuff as well and is quite a good impersonator. We've become quite good friends over the past 12 months.
Going to sit in the garden now and read a book my friend has lent me. I'm not into love stories but she says I wont be able to put it down. So we'll see. It's called A Crack in Forever by Jeannie Brewer.
See you all later..
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hi neti you really should pay more attention. I've already said that g is taking a quiet break for a while. Now off you go to do your blackpool landlady impression....

Jude you've probably never served me or you'd be writing a whole essay about it... haha...enjoy the weather, it's lovely today, just right.

oiks shaney up by the vest straps.....

excuse me mrs squeaky clean, next time you have a good idea ie washing curtains, please keep it quiet....I've spent the last however long ponching & mangling & vimming & windolening.....gasp.... I'm off to read my woman's weekly in the garden before I have to start heating up the flat iron.... that the one where there walking along saunton sands (front cover)jude...hand in hand.....haha.....!! Ive searched A&N robinia....but cant find your funny contribution..??Are local forecaster Bill tanton,has predicted a long hot summer...well into september....yippee..! Im going to the Pilton festival in Barnstaple on saturday....and the local pub..the reform inn,has got its own brewery...."Barum brewery"Hic..!UJ(:-)
It sure is Vinny. Do you google everything we put on here!! :o)
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yep Jude he does.....he's not found my pics yet tho' ;o)
Vinny it wasn't in a&n it was b&s so it's probably 20 pages back by now. Someone failed to see the irony but I didn't bother explaining....I'll watch & wait.... I'm not bitter, lol
I've got an urge to spring clean and am struggling on even in this hot weather. Mopping and clearing away half bodied dead lizards and large field rats (dead - I hope) Bl00dy cats. One cat likes cockroaches and brings them to the door upside down(cockroach not the cat doh!!!!), so of course when I go to sweep the body away, it ups and runs at me. shriek. and neti is off on a long gallop.............................
Why can't I have pretty gardens like the rest of you? I want flowers and blooms and all things poetical instead of dead wildlife. and probably dead lowlives if I looked deep into my hedges.
Oooh Robinia I'm whacked out with all this dolly tubbing and blue bag rinsing ,starching and ironing !!
As it is a breezy day I thought I'd "do" me nets !!
I am running out of blue bags and my copper boiled over ..what do I do with this iron ....spit and hope for the best .
It is very hot here today ...29 C in the shade at the end of the garden..
Robinia do you have any idea what this tree is ?
It gets a flower on it that is a dark magenta colour and sort of pointed .Thank you .
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ewww neti frogs, toads, squirrels & birds are as wild as it gets in my garden although the way the weather's going it'll soon be snakes & lizards & we'll only be able to grow cactususeses & palm trees.

shaney trees aren't really my thing but that could be a type of rhus I suppose which are large pointy flowers do you mean like this?
rhus glabra
That is very similar <b<Robinia...these are the leaves of a runner which has come up further along's not a very tall tree but not a shrub if you know what i mean ! The leaves are sort of soft and downy.
Found it's this one 0898us.jpg
Thanks for your help Robinia
hope it's not a Rhus shaney as they are regarded as a no no over here ,they cangive you a terrible rash I believe .Good luck with it ,hope it's not a rhus . Dolly

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