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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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22.50 just had first naked swim of the year (after a bottle of Blanc Pescador Premium vino) ooh this is the life. Off to watch Oz's next top model.. nite nite. (any news of smudge??)
Oooh lovely Neti ..swimming in the buff. Long time time since I did that !
We must whisper or poor Vinny will be getting hot under his hassock.
Good morning /evening all ,Don't know what Vinnie's done to get condemned to the dungeons but it's given me a real good laugh ! Nice to hear your Summer is still carrying on .I don't think you should be telling Vinny about your skinny-dipping neti ,he'll be breaking out and hi-jacking a fast boat to get over there . Well Robinia I could do with judes'gardener here ,if he's free jude send him over . My bushes are all overgrown ! Shaneystar thanks for the tips but not tried them yet ,where do I find these little pictures you all keep posting as links ? I must be the dumbest Biddie on here BUT I am older than the rest of you !!! see you later ,back to bed for an hour ! bye xxxxxx
Quick hello to Dollie in Oz. Now back to the telly.............
Hiya want jude's gardener to sort your bush out ..down-under...blimey..!!..chokes on me buckfast dont hang a bout do ya....hahaha...(:-)
Morning all Just nipped in to say hello and Hi Dolly good to hear from you.(Ill send him over when I've done with him)!!! :o)
I've just organised myself a lift to the Beer Festival - no need to bother with buses. Didn't get in till about 1 this am so I'm a bit frail don't know what I'll be like after today. The nearest I've got to real ale is Marstons Pedigree many years ago and I'm supposed to be rocking again tonight so I've roped my friend in to do the driving this time and she agreed much to my amazement!!! If I don't clock on again today you know I'm having a great time. Lots o love x
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echoes around empty court
has everyone been sent down to the dungeon? well apart from the gadabout Jude & intrepid explorer jno ..... are you having a party down there?

Not sure where today went, hope you've had a good one - the great unwashed were out in force & I see on the news we've got to be worried about smog now so I thought I'd solve two problems in one go

fetching eh?

sending down some strawberry trifle....what do you mean did I make it....?

no, you do it yourself hahaha

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morningggggggg ......
bloomin heck only me again? good job I'm used to talking to myself. Well at least I'm going to get the best seat for the final this afternoon - c'mon Fed......that Nadal's waaaaay too muscley (sp?) yuk.

just going to thumb through my program
funny how they look different in real life

when they've all gone home I thought we could squat in one of
think the one with the flowery tablecloth is very us....I bag the bedroom with the queen bed....

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* a 5 bedroom one btw ......or maybe I'll just get a one bed apartment...all myself.....nobody with me.....sobs
Morning....biddys....please play this ED .this is genuine..!
you must turn your speakers up...and have your face near the screen.....

This is me going stir crazy.....haha...ooooh...think are share the 5 bed pad robinia......if I ever get out off this flipping dungeon....(:-)
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.....rummages in duffle bag for spare bloomers......
Oh dear Vinny hot down there in your habit ?
Hi are we all ?
Very windy here ..but warm washing is horizontal on the line and may well soon end up in Cleethorpes.
We have had no rain apart from the odd tinkle which has done no good whatsoever .Everywhere is parched so I shall have to lug the hose out again later ...Do you need a wash down Vinny ?
Stand up then ..
here you go
>>>>.just passing through, another set to go yippee>>>>>>> (*;*)
>>>>>>>>cheers shaney>>>>>>>>>></BI
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hurray!! nice one Roger.....I was hoping it would go to 5 sets but never mind....hate it when wimbledon's over, the year seems to gather speed....
oh no, Vincent if you've made evryone go bold again I shall be very cross....I like to blend in with the background.....

can't see me
Great finals ..both of them...glad Roger won .
Anyway that's all over with and tonight the football is over ..thank the Lord ! At least the Germans came third which is some consolation to my mob.Perhaps we can get back to sensible programmes like Poirot and Midsomer Murders!!
Taken today
Lovely Flowers Shaney. I can just see through the haze. I was so tired yesterday. I arrived at the Beer Festival at 12.30 and got home at about 7.15pm. then went out again at 8.45pm. My friend had to bring me home at about 11.15 as I couldn't keep my eyes open even though the group was so loud! What a good day!!!
Hope you are all alright and Vinny what are we going to do about you? I don't really know why you are incarcerated. That's a big word for Sunday night and the way I feel.Haven't got a bad head just sooooo tired all the time. I am listening to extra time on the footie. Can't be bothered to watch. Enjoyed the tennis though. My son came this afternoon and we have arranged to go together to the Brian Adams concert at Kedleston Hall. It is on the 21st of this month - hope the weather holds out for it.
Will be off to bed soon as the footie is finished so I'll say Goodnight all until tomorrow.
Sorry that was such a boring post!!!!
Not at all Jude...all this racketing around is very interesting..I bet Vinny is jealous ..locked in the dungeons !!
Get a good sleep and you will soon be raring to go again.
Mr.S is watching the football to the bitter end !
Take care ...Nite Nite

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