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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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hahaha you are cheeky Vincent...(hose him down!).....there's one programme that lasts over 2 hours & now somebody's put in one of those roundabouts outside my house :o)
Hello all Pleased to hear from you too Dolly. Robinia you can't be far away from me if the double deckers pass your house. They don't exactly pass my house but go down the road not far away. Getting all excited about tonight Will probably bore you with it tomorrow!! (Will say sorry now!)
My grass isn't any more either Robinia in fact a couple of my plants I put in have bitten the dust as well. Might they come next year if I leave them I wonder. Mind you not knowing what they are doesn't help. I'm hopeless aren't I!!?
Anyway till see you later :o)
robinia.Now we know why you post every 2 hours...!!!hehe.....(:-)
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........staggers in with cuppa & a fag ..... ;o)
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Have a great time Jude I'll listen to my best of B.A. cd later. I doubt whether your newly deceased plants will come back as they won't have had time to put any deep roots down. Ne'er mind - first shower of rain & all the gaps will fill up with weeds :o)
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quick Vinny come & see this!!! I've got you the perfect present

OOOh i want one ..Now........ROBINIA...!!cor...blimey...thats brill...oh..its only fair I buy you a new washing machine..(lasts 3 hours..hehe)
jno I choose to ignore that remark about spiders, don't (daren't) believe it.

jude if you do come to the "white island" we'll have to meet up somewhere for a coffee. But I doubt very much if the island is ready for you, we are used to clubbers, but methinks you take the biscuit with your partying and going out an all.I shall have to pretend that I go out most nights and hide my granny shawl from you.

Yes Robinia it may be hotter there at moment but you only get it for maybe one week, we get this for months, it was 32� in my garage today. We also get a limited electricity supply and if we plug in one fan too many bang, the whole town goes out - romantic yes, but very inconvenient. and Vinny that spider has put my hypnosis back years - but after next time I'll be ready.
phew, no wonder it's hot and sticky in here - we're up near 500 and my nose is getting squashed against the window. Anyone got a nice air-conditioned retreat we can go to? It seems they're expecting more heatwave by the middle of next week, so anywhere with a water feature that gushes Pimm's would do.
Hot as Hades here all day..still no rain ..had to mess about with the hose again..which I managed to twist somehow at the connection and ruptured the thing and had jets of water shooting over the wall and nearly drowning passers by.!
Poor Shaney is puffing around like a broken winded horse and i have done nothing...absolutely nothing all day exept one lot of washing which dried in about ten minutes!
I have lolled in a slack fashion in the garden and read an Agatha Christie.....Sleeping Murder.
Have a good weekend everyone ....stay cool !!
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yes, 'tis a trifle stifling & I'm becoming more & more agitated about the most piffling problems. I've re-opened a nasty cut on my finger which had been healing nicely & I do believe my hand will drop orf.
I'm afraid we'll just have to loll around here for the weekend jno as we didn't put in our request for a transfer......besides it's far too hot to be trekking about & my
transport has gone in for a service.
sigh... I know, Robinia, I was offered a caramel cream last night and foolishly took it; it immediately detached one of my many caps, so as well as a 6-hour dental session on Sunday I'm going to have to inquire if he could stick this one back on as well. Why can't modern science invent a glue that's stronger than a caramel cream?? <grinds gums>
I had got my things together for Boos day out on the M25..but am at a loss...little things are beginning to annoy me too.
I couldn"t decide between the white cardi or the one with the embroidered flowers..the butler hasn"t ironed my tartan rug and there is no whisky for my hip flask .....
Don"t mention caramel creams jno....or crusty bread ,jaw sticking toffees or things with pips !
See you tomorrow! :o)
Morning........said in a quiet voice.....Achoo! Oooops ..sorry..didnt mean to wake you all...!! you drive dont ya jude....only Ive got to go to work...and there's this little matter of ...erm....well....picking people up all around the uk and spain....fer a mystery tour...Roll up...!!(I will relieve you later jude....)...the old weathers looking good...and ..blimey,its only getting hot again next week...!!!!
catch you later.....byeee...tip toes out.....oh jude,forgot to tell you....dont forget lives in aussie...somewhere near birmingham I think>>>and if robinia doesent answer her door..shes on a long cycle...and I dont mean her bike hehe..>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>(:-)
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mystery tour??!!! strewth, my whole life's a mystery tour......

morning all - hope you're all well & cool today - better make this quick as there's rumbling in the jungle & after only 4hrs sleep I'm a bit fuddled anyway.....had a terriffic storm between 1 & 2 am & the rain was torrential.
(Charlie's tum upset again, hope he doesn't plummet like thurs.)

Glad you enjoyed your concert Jude
and Vinny your washing machine didn't work for me (ahem!) - bet it's naughty!

got to nip to the shops now & get ratty with the rest of the irritable, brain dead, unwashed..... better not take me pointy brolly, I'll wear the pvc instead.
Typical ! I have been stood her since 6am trolley all packed and no sign of Vinny 83.jpg
This pacamac is making me hot and tetchy ..

We had a shower of rain early this morning but not enough to do any good ..still very warm but overcast ....The blackbirds are singing away in the garden so perhaps there is some more on the way.
Morning all What a brilliant night. Singing and dancing all night. He is a brilliant entertainer and the ad-libbing was great as was the singing and guitar playing. He offered a back stage pass to anybody who jumped in the lake and one man did! Pillock! But it was great fun and he got him up on stage dripping wet! Couldn't find the car after and my friend asked me what the Registration was she said what's that then and it was about 5 yards away from us!!!! Doh!!
Anyway Vinny I will willingly pick everybody up if it includes a trip to Oz and Ibiza and, of course, a tour of Britian. As long as you don't mind my faaaaassssstttt driving! I'll never learn. :o)
Back down to earth tonight we're off to our usual haunt to watch a guy called Jamie Trick. What a handle! Back to the backing tapes etc..
Been to Birds this a.m. for the blackcurrant creams. Didn't see you Robinia! Or was that you in the front causing havoc at the counter something about their custards not being as good as Sainsburys!!!
Oh for heaven's sake jude have a night off, you make me feel very hot and tired with all this gallivanting. You had better calm down if you're coming over here.

Have just returned from the village and I was so hot and dizzy I was wobbling in all the wrong directions, so wobbled into pizza hut/KFC and wobbled out again with salty chips andd chicken wings, naughty but neccesary for my BP, gobbled them on the way home (I hate old women eating in the streets) but felt much better. Am now dyeing my new bathroom mats bright yellow so hope they turn out ok.

Hopefully it won't be this hot in England in August, I really can't stand much more. OOOh is that the mystery bus tour I can hear revving up the road, hold on, wait for me..................
Hiya Neti Lol at your post. Me slow down, neverrrr! The more I go out the better I feel. But I don't go out every night so I do relax sometimes!!
It's been thundering and lightning her for an hour or so and the temp. has dropped considerably. It was quite humid early on.
The only sport on at the mo is golf and horseracing and I'm not into either of them, so I've been cleaning, Hurray!
My sister has just text me to remind me to water my garden (said tongue in cheek as it's bucketing down) so I've sent her a rude message back!

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