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To reiterate Roberto's thread

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dotty. | 07:12 Wed 05th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
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(which I shouldn't have to do), my daughter has recently returned to using AB, she got fed up of other users ignoring her posts but jumping on her lack of correct spelling and grammar, she puts up her first thread for months, and within two replies she gets criticised again. Like myself, she has a tongue in cheek attitude as regards her own contribution to this site, this has again made her think she shouldn't bother with AB. It is a pity, she does noone any harm and is a cheerful girl who brightens people's day. Can I suggest that there is a bit more tolerance on this site? Save the aggression for the wind -up merchants eh? (my daughter is peachy3 by the way)


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I seem to have lost my answer. Boo you have never, to my mind, been rude or upset anyone. You are a poppet.

Octavius congratulations to you and Mrs O.
18:34 Thu 06th Jul 2006
Well said, joko. I have never seen it either, which is why I asked octavius to show us his experiment. Its not that I don't believe him (or netti), but I am a scientist and if someone makes claims I expect them to be backed up with evidence.
Just because you don't see something, doesn't mean it don't happen.

Anyway I am tired of this mini-rant now. Want some good news?
yes please Octavius :o) ..what's the good news?
ok, it's early days but I don't mind tellling you Kick (I need to tell someone!!)

I found out this week that Mr & Mrs O are going to have a our first little o.
Octavius that's fantastic must be soooo chuffed. Congrats to mrs o too of course. Little ones are just smashing, turn your life upside down and make you laugh every single day. My one and only baby Mrs O "The Best Friends Guide to Pregnancy (or everything your doctor won't tell you)" by Vicki Lovine. She should read that (if possible) before any of the more jargonistic and medical books. it's utterly fantastic, I reccommend it to all my female friends, and my copy has been passed around loads and it's a great read for daddy-to-be too.
Enjoy the next few months, and thank you SO much for sharing such lovely news. xxx
Thank you kick, I am of course delighted, although still a little stunned. I willl endeavour to track down that book for Mrs O (and me).

Best of luck with your newbie!
Octavius and Neti

what names did u use
Congratulations Octavius, I hope everything goes fantastically well! Best wishes.x and love to Mrs O.x
I seem to have lost my answer. Boo you have never, to my mind, been rude or upset anyone. You are a poppet.

Octavius congratulations to you and Mrs O.
slightly disconcerting to talk of Mrs O...I'm taken back to the halcyon days of Acorn Antiques and I'm not sure she was capable of childbirth at that

Thankyou Octavius & neti, at last we will now be believed.

I dumbed down on my post yesterday, for fear, yes fear of any reprisals.

I too have a witty sense of humour, and on my many replies to posts, do answer with a funny retort, showing the lol or smilie so the recipient is not offended. Sometimes when the other person has made a hilarious typo, I will respond. When this happened the other day, the other poster retorted with a "what do you mean?", after having said that they always answer with a quirky reply when appropriate!! Could add a lot more of nasties since my registration, but I think there are now others out there who know exactly what its like.........

Anyhow, have only just picked up on this latest thread - so thats why the delay.............

And on another note:

Congratulations! to you both Octavius Lovely news xXx

Can I say, with all honesty, that nobody on here has ever upset me to the point of complaint. I have found AB (and CB before it) to be very friendly to me.

A few people have made some dastardly accusations against me recently, but they have seen the light now, and many (32 - names available on request) have apologised to me privately.

lol Whiffey, for what it's worth, I still think your SR, and am quite happy in thinking that, even if I'm wrong. No apology here mate, neither public nor private
"you're" kick matey lol :)
Octavius, that's superb news...congrats to you both (ohhhhhhh I really miss the colours :-( )
Lol kick, just got the Mrs O, I am a dimbot sometimes.
congratulations Octavius, and don't worry if it looks green, they go grey after a couple of weeks.
i'm with Kick , no apology here either!
sorry, how rude of me, many many congrats to you, Octavius and Mrs Octavius! Lovely news!

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