Hi Ed - Lonnie is right in that B&S is not always being used as intended. I've thought for a while that we should have a Health/Medical section as those Q's usually get eaten up in B&S by the usual other stuff going on in there. I know there is no substitute for checking things out with your GP but sometimes a little reassurance and a bit of information-sharing can go a long way if you are distressed about your health. Does anyone agree?
If someone has a condition such as ..what shall we say...arthritis...thyroid.....eczema.....pregnancy....spots....dodgy fingernails ..IBS..and so on it helps to get input from other people who have or have had the same thing.
I think we are all .. well some of us...sensible enough to tell anybody with a life threatening condition to go to a doctor.
But it's nice to talk to people who have got things that you may have and get their angle on it.
I was certainly very grateful for the nice people who chatted to me about my underactive thyroid and arthritis.
Having said that I wouldn't post on there now for love or money !
We are also looking at implementing sub-categories. so, these sorts of requests should be addressed at that time. Separating the riff from the raff, so to speak.