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Toilet Facilitie

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Lady Muck | 22:07 Mon 12th Nov 2007 | Site Suggestions
69 Answers
I suggest AB needs some toilet facilities. I'm desperate to go and there's no where available.

There will be a random, useless suggestion for everyday that China Doll is held captive. You have been warned.

Artist Formerly Known As
China Doll


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Stems have now went a funny colour, not content with chopping the heads off, I think redcrx has poisoned them, how ungrateful is that!
They didn't come cheap either, �2-99 in a pound shop, can't figure that one out.
Noticed some cheap lipstick in there, made in China, probably junk but I thought it might suit you, all depends on what you use it for I suppose.
Quenching or drenching is what lipstick is used for apparently. Very odd.

Is there a reason why this day is not over yet?!
Don't know, but I'm enjoying it.
Are you off work today?

I will enjoy this evening after the late meeting when I'm sitting in the pub with a nice large glass of red.
No, still at work, could have left earlier but messing around on here, waiting until the traffic eases a bit, got about an hours drive.

Both of us are out tonight, wife is not a big drinker, probably about 6 bottles of wine a year, I make up for her.
We don't go out until about 9-30.

What time will your meeting end?
Will you go home first, or straight to pub?
Leaving now, may catch you sometime after midnight, if you are sober!
Don't know, but I'm enjoying it.
Spoke to an angel yesterday. x
Wow, lots of questions! Meeting ended at half six, I went home and changed and then went in to town centre to meet my friend and got really quite tipsy on white wine and this morning have a bit of a sore head. I also slept funny so I have a stiff neck too which hurts.

My internet connection at home is completely up the spout at the moment. I remain unimpressed by this.

Good night out?

Angel? Nah.... horns suit me better and less to live up to. x
If we have meetings, they're always within the working day, nobody bothers about covering the job.

Hangover should wear off, stiff necks can be painful, hope it heals quickly.

You seem to be having a lot of trouble with the internet, we're on cable, get the occasional hiccup, but otherwise the service is good. Are you having withdrawal symptons at night?

Did enjoy last night, reality set in, which is a good thing, I'm now back in relaxed mode.
Looking at some of my posts, theres quite a lot of clues as to who I could be, anyone who knows me could quite easily put 2&2 together and come up with the right answer.
Hope they dont know about AB.
Yes, I know, I worry too much.
See you later. x
Was a meeting for a committee I was on (resigned last night) so alas outside working hour.

My hangovers last at least a day, never used to get them but as I approach my 30's I find that I don't recover so quickly. Not fair.

No withdrawla symptons as yet but I am having to interact with my new housemate which has now drawn my attention to the fact that her and my male housemate are a little cosier than I'd noticed at first. Some bud nipping may be needed.

Yes you do and you're a officially a doughnut x
Bit intrigued about the committee thing, whats its function?
Is it to do with the civil service?

You do have some funny living arrangements!

Don't answer, if you think it might give too much away.
No, it was for a social club attached to the hospital I work in. (Fairly common knowlege on here that I work in a hospital I think). I said I didn't have the time to devote to it but the truth is I just can't be bothered any more and I'm thinking of leaving the area anyway so it seemed sensible.

I live with three other people. But we got a new temporary housemate at the moment as one of the girls has gone travelling for a few months. She's the one I think is shacking up with blokey housemate. Which in theory is fine but if it changes the house dynamics I won't be best pleased.

This day is really starting to drag. And my neck still hurts. I may sulk.
Sorry, never knew you worked in a hospital, should have taken more notice!
I was guessing social club, as there is a civil service one not too far from us.
The industry I work in also has them and we are both members.

What happens when she and blokey have a row and no one is speaking? Wouldn't like that atmosphere, you might be asked to take sides.

Hope the pain eases and you have a nice relaxing evening. x
I don't shout about it but usually whenever someone starts up an 'NHS is terrible, full of flesh eating bugs, etc, etc...' thread you can usually find me getting quite snotty on there. Although that said, I'm getting tired of argueing the contrary much as I'm getting tired of the muslim bashing.

What industry is that then? I had you down as someone in the civil service or something to do with law for some reason.

It's not so much the rowing that concerns me, it's the 'them' and 'us' mentality which didn't exist before that I'm starting to notice and also if they are (I still don't know for sure), then the deceit as I don't see why that's necessary either.

I made chilli last night but it wasn't up to my normal standards at all, very disapointing, then just watched Zorro and went to bed. Did you get up to anything exciting? x
I know exactly what you mean, if people are bombarded on a daily basis with negative stories about the NHS, then they will end up believing it.

Google ews railway, have been told to expect an "efficiency drive" shortly.
Will be paranoid all weekend now, pass the doughnuts!

Some straight talking will be required on the house situation, I'm sure you'll be very diplomatic in your approach!

Sorry about the chilli, your not Nigella then?
Smiled when I saw this, there was a question on here a few months ago, about chilli the country!

Stayed in last night, posted to you, had a look around the site and was in bed by eleven.
Out tonight with "friends" ................she must have all the best schools, dentists, blah blah, but of course she's already paying too much in tax.
I always get my sly digs in, but its way over her head, I think her partner sees it, but doesn't say anything, ignorance is bliss.
Hope I've not bored you. x
Yeah well, I'm not sure when thinking for yourself went out of fashion but once again I'm behind with the trends.

Interesting. Couldn't find anything about an efficiency drive anywhere but I did email your chief exec the answer bank registration page....Kidding! Wouldn't want you over dosing on cakely goodness!

The walls are paperthin so I think I might 'forget' something tomorrow and have to return to the house. Once it's all established I will go in to sarcasm overdrive until someone coughs up. It's a bit like Japanese water toture and just as effective. As long as I do it with a smile on my face I'll get away with just being 'cheeky.'

I'm actually quite a good cook but was being lazy so didn't make the tomato sauce from scrach and used a mix. Then really wished I hadn't. Tastes fine but not up to scratch.

Your 'friends' sound fantastic fun, see if you can slip some ketamene in to their drinks and watch the place just come alive. I've a couple of mates like that, I find a couple of tequilla shots usually gets them down to my level of conversation. It sounds like you're lucky the partner doesn't give you a thick lip for your front though!

Ignorance cetainly is blissful and something I've always wanted. It's a paradox.

Nah, not bored. x
Googled ketamene, liked the hallucination bit, but I think its use as a veterinary medicine would be more suitable for her.

Friday is always a bit hectic here, a lot of preparation goes on for weekend work.

Hope you get everything sorted at the weekend, try and chill out and have a nice one. x
A bit horsey is she? Thought as much. (I can do subtle too, not well and not often mind!)

Do you know I had quite a good look around that site, that's quite sad isn't it?!

Oh it'll be fine, I'm planning on sleeping, eating and not a lot else. Have fun x
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When you said I'd deal with this housemate thing in a diplomatic manner, did asking him 'So are you knobbing her then?' count as diplomatic?

He's not though
Very shocked at your turn of phrase, couldn't take you anywhere!
I would have been a bit more subtle, the word sha99ing comes to mind, used quite a lot in these parts.

On my best behaviour on Friday night, thought about that thick lip!

Can't stop any longer, on my way out, take care. x
Everyone says that about me but amazingly I can turn on the charm if I have to... I can even sound quite posh. Can't do much about the thoughts I have mind but as long as I don't open my mouth all seems to go ok.

I'm not mad keen on the word 'shagging,' 'knobbing' sounds funnier.

Best behaviour sounds boring... I wouldn't encourage you to do that again. But then you can't take me anywhere.

Have fun, I'm making dinner x

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