Hahaha, I was just talking about this the other week. We had to use the lid of a biscuit tin on top of the car roof to get a good signal.
"eyeball eyeball, whats yer home 20 good buddy" lol
Down memory lane!!! I was 16 when I got into it (many years ago!!!) and I had a DV27 aerial in my bedroom bolted to a metal dustbin lid!!! My handle was Skylight, and if anybody had a 'rig' that could 'flick it' to the next set of channels up I was well impressed!!!!!!!!! Oh, memories...!
Not braging but i had a silver rod...God i would need planning permission for an ariel like that now ....and my CB was a Superstar 120....Very advanced at the time.
What a laugh we used to have. My handle was 'badger' as I had a blonde streak in the front of my hair. : ) We used to have CB parties and everything remember!
We used to go to "CB" discos! Bus loads of people going to the "Wild Turkey" in Greengairs! I was too young to drink so did the cloakroom. Oh this is soo funny Hxx
Lol these stories are funny.
I still have an "eyeball" card that I made for myself out of coloured card and lettraset!!! remember that rub-off stuff lol, and it was in gothic italic text, mustve thought I was smart huh
I had Just past my driving test at the time and traveled hundreds of miles due to the CB Radio at weekends and met some nice and some Nasty Folk....God Them were the days.