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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
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Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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Oh dear, you really have gone to the devil:::::::::.
morning all...

yoohoo jno!! <waves flapjack>...leave you behind? Why, whatchoo been up to? Don't the BA staff know who you are?!

Still on the chilly side but sunny at the moment...lovely jacket Sweco-Fanny (your new ID, haha)..isn't a peplum what they use to do your smear test? :o) Who gives these clothes names, I'd like to know?
My favourite lolcat still has to be the 'paint the ceiling', probably 'cos it was very apt at the time....(I sent it to Sweco when she was laid up with a bad back)...

woofy, what medication is your OH on? Some anti sickness drugs have horrible side effects. I have stemetil - it's for dizziness too. Hope he gets better toot sweet.

ooh dear Jude, that's an odd one. I've had some puta probs this morning myself...damn thing closed down & wouln't restart.
I don't know if the last and this post has arrived. Our Virgin internet service is going that slow, Had a man round yesterday and He said everything my end was ok Speed checked and everything. Just the area down. Anyway hope you are all ok. Still can't see any of your posts etc so I'll say bye for now....I wont say see yer later 'gater(s) lol
btw it snowed heavily further north in Derbyshire yesterday!
four different, seemingly sensible docs have now said a virus plus stress. He worries abut being sick so feels sick and won't eat. at least now he is getting enough fluids down and resting. I don't think the "nothing is wrong with me I can tear around like a mad thing" attitude helped; but yes its been a month now. One thing is that we are SURE its nothing worse which is some comfort.
the tabs were stugeron...commonly used for motion sickness I think.
Afternoon all
Waves to Jno .Hope it's warm where you are 'cos it's not very warn here !
Sorry to hear your hubby is still poorly Woofie .I wish him a speedy recovery.
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Same things ,different day .

Where's Eco Vinny ,he's so hip they've named a frock after him .

I hope you soon get your internet sorted Jude ,have you tried tightening the elastic bands :)))
Toodlepip for now ,I'm so chilly I'll have to go and find my ecocardi.
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Have been sunbathing for 1 hr and am still as white as a ghost! in fact a ghost looks tanned next to me! Just dumped all the vids and player at the bins, had to wait till 3pm cos they have Bin scouts checking what one is dumping - I ask you!
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Just looked at swedie's dresses, there's one there called Patricia and one with my real name only spelt differentlty: There's also another one named after Vinny - Pricken!!!!
oooh, I'd prepare to have your wand shoved where the sun don't shine for that neti. I threw a lot of video tapes that I'd recorded films/tv progs on but I've still got a boxful of films I bought...I just know the week after I ditch 'em they'll become collectors items.

I'm not familiar with that one woofy & my neighbour's been through almost the entire A-Z of medicines. He sounds like me, as soon as I have a bit of stress I feel queasy & don't want to eat...not good for me!

At last! the swifts are here!! Well over a week late for this area, maybe it's going to warm up.
Afternoon eco warriors..
lovely and sunny tis.
I was just waiting for a certain lady to put me head on top off that vinny dress...:O)must be gettin slow in her old age.Snow in derby?is it legal this time of year.(its her dandruff )anyone know jnos address,we could raid her house and nick all the champagne and pimms.she wont be needing it for a few weeks.(robi could have her microwave slippers)
you cant sunbathe with volcanic hash above you netti,the rays dont get through..hehe..!(:O)
if you cant see this jude I said hello(:O)
Vinny do you eat a lot of greek yoghurt? We use lots in the summer for salad dressing, dips, tandoori chicken marinade etc and I make it in an Easy Yo. YThe yoghurt is lovely..cheaper than pots and quite satisfying to do.
Evening all. Re needing a whole cow to cover your "assets" Woofy I'd like to say that you and me we're not fat we just...

Aww Robi I remember the lolcat staring at the ceiling, I saved it and it is now one of my favourites too and very apt at the time!

jno you're starting to sound like me! förever!

Here paleface I edited your piccy to make it less pale - you can mount it yourself to any frock of your liking >>>>>>>>>>

(anyone else want de-paling of their avatars, I love to do it)
yep woofy.
I buy onken big pots.Think Ive seen that Easy yo on the shopping channel?does it come in sachets.looked really tasty.
He he I just turned Vinny into a cat! Here
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Don't try that dress on vinny!!!!!
Yay, Neti's getting the hang of the lolcat universe!
Hi If you are getting my posts. I would very much appreciate an email to let me know . Hope you have all had a good day,
mail to Jude = Yes Jude we can see your posts but your avatar's Bongo Bill!

the greek is lovely. I get the sachets in julian graves as the kits are loads of mixed flavours and I only like the greek. JG often do offers on the maker dohickey as well

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