No_Knowledge_ was a characture there is no denying that.
i sadly saw the start of the problem that caused him to transgress the
Site Rules.
Someone was posting under the name " No_Knowledge " and the post i saw and reported was sad to say the least.
Who it was that was posting under the almost identical name i have no idea.
It being such an obvious attack on him must have seemed extremely personal to the actual No_Knowlegde_ , i can only imagine how his reaction went for him to get banned as i myself didnt see how far that reaction went.
Personaly i found a lot of his posts funny and i also feel that the " ED " must feel justified in the ban , as such matters as " cloning and attacks " are obviously better left in the hands of the site administrators.
However with all that said maybe the " ED " would reconsider the ban after a cooling of period, with the consideration of such attacks oviously seeming extremely personal the " victim" of such attacks and any retaliation could be placed under the heading of heat of the moment.
Personaly i would have no objection to seeing No_knowledge_ back here , however as a mear observer in this matter must concede to the administrators choice of action.