I certainly didin't intend to be impertinent, but my question to you as to "Why" was intended to solicit and understand your view of our universe.
Fact is (at least currently) the universe had a beginning known, I'm sure you're aware, as "The Big Bang". While it wasn't big (at least to begin with) and certainly wasn't a "bang", that's the nearest most us can come in understanding the nature of that creation event. It apprently came from nothing ("ex nihilo" for the Latin speakers known to lurk about). Any and all speculation as to what "preceeded" that singularity is the basis for much of our philisophical, religious and pseudo-science thought and discussion today.
But one fact is indisputable... at 10-^43 seconds (Planck time or Tp)before any evidence of the Big Bang existed there was .... nothing, nada, zip... zilch. At least insofar as we can ever determine.
We can have a grand exchange of name calling or even civilized discussion in which we present our various theories about what came "before" but that's about all... because the current and future state of science (and, I believe that won't ever change since it was a one time event and therefore unknowable to us) limits any possibly meaningful investigation. In my humble opinion, that is...