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What is the best book you have ever read by a male author and a female author?

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chaptazbru | 16:02 Fri 20th Apr 2012 | Arts & Literature
485 Answers
Mine is The Pursuit of Happiness by Douglas Kennedy


The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.


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Yes, indeed Em, great stuff. It’s a book I can pick up and open at any page – and just read.

Similarly with Jane Eyre. No sex – but what passion!

//Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! . . . I am not talking to you now through the...
16:35 Fri 20th Apr 2012
Probably the hardest but most satisfying was Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, could read it again and again, but it takes a long time..
To Serve them all my days, I loved that, must dig it out and give it another read through, I might even try to get the TV series on dvd, been ages since it was on the telly. They don't seem to make them like that anymore. My favourite Jane Austen is Persuasion des[ite the fact that one or two of the characters could use a wake up slap!
Yes, have read Les Mis. It did take a long time but was worth it. Now love the musical. More expensive but shorter. Only watch or listen if I can cope with a good cry.
The book I so far have enjoyed most is Shantaram. I loved if from start to finish and have read it a few times.
nungate, i was in love with the actor who played the lead, so handsome, what a shock to see him now... but very good book, and a reasonably faithful tv adaptation
Love Jane Austen and am proud to have encouraged my grandaughter to read her books.
I thought it stuck well to the book as well Em, despite a few understandable changes. Haven't seen John Duttine anywhere lately, has he changed that much?
a book on bench vices it was gripping
the rent book
oh yes, rather larger, unless he's been on a diet lately...
nungate - off topic, I know, but John Duttine was last seen (by me, anyway) in Heartbeat.
nodger, so he was.
didn't watch Heartbeat so I didn't see how he's changed over the years. Do you remember Nicholas Lyndhurst as one of Powwow's boys?
skipped to the end as 191 is too many to cope with on a Saturday eve.. it has to be Stephen King's (who is god.. frankly!) 'Misery' - 'dirty birdy'.. the film isn't too far off the mark... (am I wearing my invisabilty cloak again.. I have for the last 5 answers)
what about nordic crime drama - I particually enyoed " I am theif " by Per Petraator and "Unrequited Love" by Sven Willi Seeuaggen
The two best works of fiction I have ever read:

How To Talk To A Widower by Jonathan Tropper


Pride and Prejudice by JA.

Most gripping book I've ever read is Madeleine by Kate McCann.
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Just finished reading Light a Penny Candle by Maeve Binchy. Usually prefer more 'gritty' books, but this was a dream and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would recommend it to lady ABers.
Actually I think it was her best book, haven't liked any others as much.
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It's the only one of hers I've read, but I do intend to read more now, when I've had my fill of 'gritty' ones again !
After your gritty books try 'Firefly Summer' of hers.

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