Fans of this detective please help. I first read Jo Nesbo's fictional detective in "The Redeemer" a year or two ago and have just finished the page turner "The Devil's Star" and looking for another Harry Hole I found a list of books in numerical order at the Kindle Store and chose "Nemisis" and have just started reading the free precise and to my mind "Nemesis" appears to be a prequel to "The Devils Star?" not a sequel. Any one know which title follows "The Devils Star?"
1. The Bat (2012)
2. The Redbreast (2006)
3. Nemesis (2008)
4. The Devil's Star (2005)
5. The Redeemer (2009)
6. The Snowman (2010)
7. The Leopard (2011)
8. Phantom (2012)
The second book is The Cockroach (title might be slightly different - in German it's Kakerlaken). That one has not yet been printed in English. The Bat is the first in the series and is due for publication in English later this year. For some reason they started with translations of book 3 and have only just got round to the first two.