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B00 | 14:43 Wed 24th Apr 2019 | Arts & Literature
68 Answers

Of this watercolour?

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I think, as I said, it's obvious the artist is on the younger side, but I also said it's good and I mean that, her use of colour and style is lovely, perfecting technique will improve with each piece she does, and it's perfectly nice enough to go on my wall as it is, so yes if she's artistically inclined then art college is really good place to start so I think that's...
14:56 Wed 24th Apr 2019
I love the second one, the contrasts are brilliant.

Can't believe the gecko was 7 years ago!
Personally, I think watercolours are the hardest of all art materials to get a decent picture with.

Are watercolours her favourite?
If I ever get the urge to draw again I will give this a go...amazing.

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That's awesome Talbot, oh for a fifth of that talent!

She does prefer watercolours yes, but she happily dabbles in oils too.
Talbot - that's insanely good! My Bic doesn't work like that...
She really should be encouraged, BOO. Even if she doesn't listen to you, maybe she'll take up what others have said.
Fourteen? Technique can be learned, but these show no fear. You can't learn that.
It takes something to come up with those colour ideas. I hope she can take it further.
I'm watching this space ;o)
I definitely see talent that should be encouraged. I also think that wanting to paint and be hands on is a plus. Use and grow those skills and stuff can follow later.

Signed: an old former graphic artist who would've loved to have developed her painters eye.
this day and age you can draw on paper and it'll appear on screen Pasta
Lol...way back when, the only thing computerised was the setting of type.

I appreciate the artistry, the layout, colours etc, she's good,
but to be honest it's just not my style, not her fault.
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It just doesn't do anything for me BOO and I too thought it was to do with the female reproductive system at first.
The first one looks as though she is trying to show us new life on the one hand through flowers and an anatomical painting of a deer's head depicting death. Barren landscape .I don't think it matters what medium is used for this picture.
The second one reminds me of an Australian landscape. Sunset and birds going home to roost.Good choice of colours .Simple but very effective .
Has she tried acrylics? You can get anything from a thin watercolour effect through to a thick oil like texture. Plus you can correct mistakes ,paint over them and they dry much quicker than oils.
I hope she carries on painting ,it's very rewarding.
She definitely shows promise.

I'm not getting the second one, so who knows?
This one not showing for you?

Puts me in mind of a flame tree, it's the colourway I like.
The artist is very talented.
The painting did make me think of Fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Now I look at it again it could be testicles and penis.

Thanks for that Mamya, I'll stick by what I said at 17:06.
Not my taste, but definitely talented .
It seems to me that the painter was copying something, rather than inventing something. I don't find it creative, although there is some skill displayed in the execution. I think the painter should continue; we all start by copying. Well done to the painter! I'd be interested in the painter's response to comments, rather than the mother's.
The first one probably was copied. It's an anatomical study of a deer's head.

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