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naomi24 | 11:38 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Politics
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 "Looking ahead to winter is frightening. I’ve met pensioners who have no idea how they’ll heat their homes."  August 2022



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Boris Johnson.

I can guess it was Reeves or Starmer- but no doubt they would argue they were only referring to the poorest pensioners, the ones entitled to pension credit, and not those idle freeloaders on a full state pension or even worse the idle rich who had the cheek to make sacrifices by saving save a few pounds from their pay packets into a private pension

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You're right, NMA.  It was Starmer - and only two years ago too.  They don't call him Sir Flip-Flop for nothing.  Hypocrite.

//Thousands of pensioners could die if winter fuel payments are cut, according to Labour's own research.
The shocking analysis was published in 2017 – when Sir Keir Starmer sat in the Shadow Cabinet.
It warned that Conservative plans to axe the allowance for ten million elderly voters would increase excess deaths by 3,850 that winter.
And it called Theresa May's proposal, which was later abandoned, the 'single biggest attack on pensioners in a generation in our country'.??

The stench of hypocrisy hangs around grease head Starmer like a shroud.  

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I've an inkling that this will be his shroud, Togo.

//Published during the 2017 election ­campaign, the research said: 'Since the introduction of the winter fuel payment by Labour in 1997, allowing for significant variation in winter weather, deaths among the elderly have fallen from around 34,000 to 24,000. 
Half of the almost 10,000 decrease in so-called 'excess winter deaths' – the rise in mortality that occurs each winter – between 2000 and 2012 was due to the introduction of the winter fuel allowance.' 
Last night one Labour MP told the Mail: 'This is blatant hypocrisy. All those now reversing Gordon Brown's winter fuel allowance were Labour MPs when we fought against Theresa May's government's plans to scrap it in 2017.//

I also seem to remember an NHS spokes"person" wading in and saying that they would be overwhelmed by the increase in vulnerable patients if it went ahead. Not a peep this time around. Wicked bunch of sociopaths all of them.  

"Last April on a cold Spring evening I knocked on the door of a pensioner in my constituency. When I reached out to shake her hand it was purple and freezing cold.
Already, back then she was afraid to put the heating on, struggling to get by on the small pension she had built up through a life time of work.
As energy bills and inflation rise even higher I often think of her. That is the stark reality facing people all around our country today"".

Robber Reeves at the Labour conference 2022. Another liar without shame. 

Imagine the outcry if the illegals are not kept cosy and warm in their free accomodation. The yooman rites parasites would have court cases up and running pronto. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury has been strangely mute too. 

It's ok though we'll go to trobiscite heaven because we are giving £11.6bn to foreigners for "climate change initiatives"

while pensioners are sat at home shivering this winter,take warmth from the knowledge that  the immigrants will be cosy in their hotel rooms....labour.not fit for purpose

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